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Profile Headline: This Isn't The Christian Date Site I Thought It Was
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About Me
Username: EzlyAmused
Gender: Male
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 175 pounds
Height: 70 inches
Age: 60
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Bachelors in Business
School: Southern Oregon State
Favorite Food: Mexican, Italian, Chinese, I'll Cook!
Pets: German Shepard, Black Cat, mean old Calico
Automobile: Jeep and Dodge Ram
Tags: Dark Humor, Mentally Challenged, Agitator
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Having as much fun as you can. Not getting caught doing it. And if it was that much fun, ending up on YouTube, OR even better, Penthouse Forum.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Family, friends, someone who makes me smile, someone to take care of and probably money!
Favorite Books: That's a subject best not approached. Because if I tell you, well......... I've got an odd sense of what I like to read. I'm a True Crime fan. I love to read about the reality we have in our world. The human mind is a dangerous and exciting place. I've read several profiling books. I've read over 125 books on Serial Killers. No, not to find out what they did. Hopefully its written in a way to try and understand their "logic" for what they've done.
Favorite Songs: Metal, 70's and 80's Rock. Classical when I've had a bad day!
Favorite Movies: Black and white fan. Movies back then were simpler and didn't have the big 'Ta Dah' factor. Besides, look at the actress's. WOW I find that a simple story with a good plot beats a movie where things explode, people get killed every 4 seconds or sex is the main thing. I find a deep appreciation in the stories of that era.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: I'm really 18. But I've got alot of years of experience at it! 32 of them now
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Back to Alaska or somewhere where there really is 4 seasons. Where you can drive 40 miles in any direction and be in the woods or on a mountain. I miss it and hope to go back one day.
Hobbies: Outdoors, Hunting and Fishing. There isn't anything as wonderful as going to the woods and seeing nature face to face.
Talents: Can mail bills on time. One hell of a Multi Tasker. Learned that from the job. Bad part is I can do it but forget what it was I did 5 minutes later!
Perfect Mate: No such thing. And I don't think that that type of relationship would be enough to be interesting and keep both always learning about the other. We're all different and the perfect mate is the person you see and she brings a smile to your face and you know that there isn't anything that can happen to change that.
Perfect Date: That's an interesting thought. Time and place are secondary. Perfect comes from the feeling you have with that other person. It doesn't matter where.
Turn Ons/Offs: Brains. The ability to communicate. A great smile. And a soft laugh. Confidence. We all see "beauty" in a different light. Some find it in looks. Some find it with someone who you feel confident enough with to truly be yourself. And to know they would never judge you for what you do. And they know they can expect the same thing back
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I have no idea. Whats the best reason to get to know anyone? I think it starts out with an interest in that person. A feeling you want to know more. The ability to know you have enough confidence in yourself to ask questions and learn to understand the way they are. And accepting them as they are. You found them in one way, why would you want to change it?
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