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Profile Headline: Yo I'm LushMT319
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About Me
Username: LushMT319
CamScore: 559
Gender: Female
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 67 inches
Age: 32
City: St. Louis
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Drink: Moderate
Occupation/Major: Don't Ask
Pets: Dog named Bear, and lots of fish
Automobile: Chrysler Sebring, both of them
About Me: I don't Skype or watch cams! Thanks Though. theres not much. well this is gona sound lame, but why i chose LushMT319 was I drank ONE Dr. Daniel at my moms and she 'claims' half the bottle was gone... don't worry she was my DD home :) what are moms for if not supplying alcohol then driving home :) she plans to take me out for my Bday in march, I feel like such a loser about that, does everyones parents get them drunk on their 21st??
Tags: lush, Lush, MT319, LushMT319, lushmt319, dancing, sexy eyes, brown eyes, hot ass, nice, nice ass, gorgeous, dancer, long hair, sweet and sexy, talkative
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: What? As a LMT I don't see the purpose in money, it just creates conflict and problems. One of my clients had a spiritual moment and her dead relative told her, 'Money is not important, just play in the mud' you see she came back as a warthog lol. but I really took that to heart. Mainly because money sucks.. and frankly i don't have much of it.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: music, pencil, paper, milano cookies, a friend
Favorite Books: HOST by the author of the twilight books, I read them but after everyone else, they were gifts! i have some poetry books that I haven't gone through enough.. like i thumbed through them twice :) Self improvement books and spiritual books are on my shelf.
What I Like To Do For Fun: Play Minecraft on xbox360, I really need to get out more...
Favorite Songs: I like whatever is on z107.7
Favorite Movies: Liar Liar was/is one of my favorites, otherwise i can watch reruns over and over again.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: HA! MFC!!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: I would be somewhere beatutiful and inexpensive to live! Tell me where that is where women are still equal and people don't want to kill themselves.
Hobbies: I work 6 days a week, but when I'm not working sometimes I like to paint or draw. I like to just go places even if I have no money to spend, just something to get away from everything.Oh, i forgot about Minecraft on xbox360 Wait I love watching WWE! Evenif it is fake, thats why its called ENTERTAINMENT
Talents: Painting, drawing and playing music, I hear I am a great LMT from my clients and my chiropractor and fellow LMTs.
Perfect Mate: I have always dreamed of someone Strong, independant, NOT CONTROLLING bcs I DO have dreams and plans but I do need someone strong behind me to catch me if and when I fall-thats my job jk- wants to take care of me and does not complain about it, like ACTUALLY wants to do it, a client once told me that we should be treated like the queens we are, lol, his words not mine. I wished for someone tall and handsome by fairytale standards of course. But you are perfect the way you are.
Perfect Date: fun Surpises like going skating or to a movie and out to eat, I still like to know what we are doing or at least how I should dress, but yea, something different everytime.
Turn Ons/Offs: I'm sorry I don't want to watch you jack off and I don't want you to watch me either. I don't really have a thing for children, just never have, and men that act like children that throw fits. However I do like genuin thoughtful surprises like random gifts, that makes me want to give random special gifts in return ;)
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: When I make friends, or even just meet someone that I really enjoy being around, they stick with me, the people in my life are really special to me and I can't stand losing friends.
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