Interests & Hobbies
Favorite Books:
Emma (or anything by Jane Austen), The Red Tent, The Great Gatsby, Tales of the City series
Favorite Songs:
Anything from: The Cure, Tori Amos, Beyonce. Currently digging the Hamilton soundtrack.
Favorite Movies:
Mask, White Christmas, Pride & Prejudice, LoTR & The Hobbit movies
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
I'd be at the beach. All day, erryday. Preferably a clothing-optional beach.
Websurfing, SJW stuff, reading, puzzles, listening to podcasts, PokemonGo
Perfect Date:
Drinks at a small pub, hopefully sitting outside on their back patio. Lots of talking and flirting. No one looking at their phone! Then maybe a walk and dinner at an interesting and yummy place. A lot of heavy petting in the car and then lots of sex when we get home!