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About Me
Username: AngelCherry1
CamScore: 997
Gender: Female
Body Type: Average
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 135 pounds
Height: 66 inches
Age: 30
City: Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Light
Drink: Moderate
Drugs: Party
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: My own boss.
School: Graduate
Favorite Food: Italian
Pets: Pug
Automobile: A3
About Me: Well these questions don't leave very much to the imagination so I will... come see me, come and chat with me and lets find out what many more interesting qualities I'm harbouring ;)
Tags: Brunette, Busty, Young, Gorgeous, New, Slim, Dark Hair, Sexy, English, Big booty, Big tits, Big breasts, breasts, boobs, cheeky, cute, fun, intelligent, dominant, nice eyes, tanned, masturbation, dildo, vibrator, nude, underwear, stockings, heels, big lips, deepthroat, oil, buttplug
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: The meaning of life.. well isn't that one of life's unanswered questions? or most controversial? To me the meaning of life is to just have fun! If something doesn't make you happy.. DON'T DO IT! Live for the moment because in the next you may be gone, we only get one go at this so make it a strong effort!
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Ok so I cannot live without my reflection haha! so yes I'd need some sort of mirror or even anything I can see myself in because trust me I can find my reflection in just about anything! better check yourself before you wreck yourself as they say! Number two.. wine! You can't beat in my eyes a nice glass of red, rose or even white I'm not fussy! Love to put my feet up with a glass or two.. or three.. or four! Number three.. My nice clothes and shoes, nothing better than a nice get up to make you feel fabulous! Number four.. well its got to be the cliche friends and family, my nearest and dearest are my rock and have helped me and supported me in everything I am today.. which is pretty damn great if I don't say so myself ;) Last but not least number five.. I'm not going to include my phone because quite frankly they drive me insane and have took over lol! but it may have to be my own home, it's very much my sanctuary, its the epicentre of all my going's on, my cheeky secrets, my laughs. my cries, my home has seen just about everything there is of me and there's no better place for me to feel myself and at ease!
Favorite Books: The Secret
What I Like To Do For Fun: For fun I like to dress up all sexy, go out with my friends and quite frankly have a good old flirt! There's nothing better for my ego than looking amazing and showing that to the world around me in the nicest possible way lol! I like to be mischievous, I like to push people's buttons and be the object of as many peoples desires as I can possibly achieve, vain or not.. these things bring me happiness!
Favorite Songs: Very open minded when it comes to music, my favourite has to be old school funky house and chilled house, in my opinion you can't beat a good saxophone beat! Love a bit of jazz music as well.
Favorite Movies: All good Horrors!
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: I don't really think on here I can tell you the craziest thing I've done lol! Get to know me I'm full of hidden treasures I may share with you I'm quite confident you will not be disappointed....
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: If I could be anywhere right now? I'd be on a hot beach sipping a porn star martini in the nude writing to you lovely people without a care in the world, ready to then go and have the time of my life and make a scene because if I'm in a foreign country... odd's are I'm never going to see these people again ha!
Hobbies: Apart from professionally socialising and partying, I absolutely love food! I love to eat out and been to basically every worth while restaurant local to me. I also love to cook my own food, I've mastered most cuisines and also a keen baker! I love to try new food all the time even if its something quite unusual, it excites me to try new things in all aspects in fact not just food...
Talents: Again my talents would have to be cooking, I haven't come across a bad critique yet ;) I also have many more talents but I'll keep it PG 13 and keep you guessing...
Perfect Mate: My perfect male would be someone who didn't take themselves to seriously; I'm quite the joker myself so they'd have to keep up with me in that sense and make me laugh, hard. I like a man to take care of himself but psychical appearance isn't massively important to me, never has been, however I do like my men to be manly and quite rough round then edges if you know what I mean. Dark hair is also a preference of mine but again not massively essential.
Perfect Date: My perfect date has to be full of laughter! also where a man takes charge! i don't like someone who's a little sheepish within themselves, if you take me on a date, no matter what it may be, show me about yourself by showing me what you enjoy! You can(or i can) tell a lot about a person on what they'd choose to do for a date, and I'm not your average girl so don't particularly want your average date if you want to stand out to me.
Turn Ons/Offs: What turns me on is confidence, someone able to speak their mind and be open about their thoughts and intentions, that I can respect a lot! I like a man to be very sexually comfortable and open minded because I'm a bit of a self confessed FREAK. My turn off has to be arrogance.. now I know there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance but I can spot the difference a mile off and no matter how good looking a man maybe, or how successful, arrogance will NOT get a second glance from me.. thanks but no thanks!
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: The best reason to get to know me is because I'm just very honest, very fun and very easy going! I don't like to take anything to seriously, and almost have no boundaries which in itself can be a very fun quality ;) I'll tell you how it is, how I like it and exactly how to do it! ;)
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