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Profile Headline: A girl that wishes to make your every day your happiest day...
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About Me
Username: AngelLove28
CamScore: 1495
Gender: Female
Body Type: Athletic
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Weight: 48 kilos
Height: 156 centimeters
Age: 33
City: Fantasy Island
Country: Latvia
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Im an entertainer with a major in sex lol....
Favorite Food: Mexican food
Pets: Cute Dog.... DARA.. :)
Automobile: Nice one!!!
About Me: Hello everyone!! what i should tell about myself...I would use words like 'kind, caring, shy, indepenent, strong, loving, free willed, spirited, passionate, secretive.. :) i love meet new friends:) what is friendship? here we can find answer... Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship. Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and more (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life. so if i was to describe my friends it would go like this they are the most wonderful group of people that bring me joy and happiness a thought of any one of them lightens up my day knowing that they are always there for me in my good times and in my sorrows i can never have enough friends so one day i hope you too can be as good a friend as some of my closest friends i have now i love them all... alotpeople donttrust internet friendship.. I dont agree...As the Internet grows and becomes a part of our lives, it brings with it a unique opportunity to meet people we likely would never have met in any other way. And very often, those people we meet on line will become friends. Sometimes, very close friends. So.. wanna be my friend? if yes... Lets chat more@!! Kissssssssssss
Tags: honest, sexy, cute, friendly, beautiful, smile, long hair, orgasm
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: life is short... so live it the best you can make the most of what you have and dont step on others to get what you want we only have one life so make it a good one full of happiness....
Five Things I Can't Live Without: i can use alot things without what i couldnt live... but 5.. hmmm... family... love, friends, my car and good HEALTH >> :)
Favorite Books: If trust.. i havent time to read...... But i like fantasy fairytales ....LOL :)
What I Like To Do For Fun: i take dancing ....spend time with my daughter in talent shows... go to zoo and ocean parties and relaxing in sun.. hihihihi.. I love that!
Favorite Songs: i enjoy all music deppending on my mood is what i listen to at the time.... :)
Favorite Movies: i like very much romantic and fantasy movies :) Avitar, a walk to remember,everafter,27 dresses and the Ulgly trueth.. :)
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: hmmm craziest ....i can't decide..hihihi....but I've done many considering my age :D simple, skydiving naked,skiing topless and jumping off cliff into water...craziest sex making love under a waterfall and having sex in an elevator LOL :))
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: if i could be anywhere right now i would be at the beach with my daughter and a man i love and who loves me having fun, spending time together and my daughter must love any guy that wants to be with me cause i trust her judgement so she has to accept him ....
Hobbies: Laying under the stars on beach,hiking camping, fishing, walks in parks and would be nice if i had someone to share these things with....
Talents: I have a few talents. i can sing. i can dance. im a very good cook and my baking pastries is out of this world!
Perfect Mate: A guy that treats me like i am the only girl in the world he loves me with all his heart he is both funny and compationate attractive with good heart is honest about every thing with me and never cheats and will love me as much as i love him.... :)
Perfect Date: A guy that shows up to my door with sweet eyes and flowers takes me to dinner at nice restraunt than we go to movies after a icecream shop while drinking shakes than he takes me home kisses my lips and leaves letting me take in the experience i just had....hihihi :)
Turn Ons/Offs: Ok.... turn ons sweet guys that know how to talk to a lady a guy that treats me like a princess and knows what i like and tips ..... turn offs beggers rude people if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all i have feelings too .. :(
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:

Message Wall
Hi dear.. wonder how i do to get in touch..... miss u!
hello, just popping by. hope u are ok!
Hi Alise
HAPPY LATE Birthday Alise...
Hello beautiful thank you for being a friend when i really needed one you are a sweet and heartfelt person and you will always be in my heart. With love KC. aka hawk132.
yes Alise i still love u.
Sorry but my health not been good for some time. That surgery i had last year has been giving me problems. now u know why i not been around. I not need no one in life until I feel good with self. I have told u that Scott will always love Alise. Even if u with other man for life. Ty u kelv, Jonny, and Christian for the help that u give to this lady. I hope u can forgive me for all: this is if i have ever said for done anything wrong that u not like. I am so sorry Once again Alise I still love u and hope the best for U. yes yours, Always, Scott
photo PJIdIvP9pY7oZdqXFe7e3w_zps1b1401df.jpg
We have not talked in sometime now. Sorry that i been away but i have had my own reasons. U are and will always be a beautiful lady in my eyes. Please be safe with all u do in life. Kisssss
Hi Love! Just wanted to tell you that it's so nice to be with you And of some reason i never get bored of you even when you are a bit quiet.. Kisses and Hugs!!
Thanks, definitely worth the 300 tokens.
I truly miss spending time with u Alise. For the last 2 weeks I have been in the hospital due to having surgery. Even though I now face another surgery I will continue to pray for both u and Amanda to have a great life. Last but not least I want to apologize to kelv and any of the other friends of Alise who I might have ever said anything wrong to or affended in anyway, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Yes I am still in hospital. Please remember me when u pray. Thank you
Happy birthday Alise
thoughtful 'about me' essay. i'm impressed. apply photo effects to your photos: PHOTO FUN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMEN. ALISE, I TRULY LOVE U apply photo effects to your photos: PHOTO FUN
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