Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Don't call it a dream, make it a plan.
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Nothing that isn't in my bag. I pack light.
Favorite Books:
I read a lot of books about psychic healing and energy, natural and holistic medicine, practical use, diy, ect.
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Long boarding, roller skating, gymnastics, hot tubbing, psychedelics, Yoga... Adventures and shenanigans in general :)
Favorite Songs:
Favorite Movies:
All time favorite movie is Party Monster.
STAR TREK!!!!!!! Call me a hypocrite, but only TNG or DS9 will do. TNG because it's like a soap opera and dult show, and DS9 because it's more of a stoner comedy, similar to the type of audience How I Met Your know?
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
Literally, the most insane thing ever. I can't even put it into words,,,
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Right where I am <3
Dabs, traveling, crafting, hula hooping, yoga, blogging, and being awesome as fuck.
I am a Jack of all trades; master of many. Sword Swallowing, fire eating, belly dancing, impressive bong rips, underwater blow job extraordinaire, fortune telling, head stands, hand stands, forearm stands, back bends, squirting, DAB HITS, dabbles, dabblers, dabbling, dabbies, dabbie doo berries, and many others I keep hidden away. I like to get super high and give away pieces of the puzzle. You can find a few I easily reveal...xoxo
Perfect Mate:
EVERYONE LOVES ME! I mean really, I'm chill as fuck.. I'm a people pleaser. As long as Sonny's pleasing you, Sonny's just DABulous :)
Perfect Date:
I actually recently started dating! I had never been on a real date until earlier this year. I love ALL DATES! I love adventures. They are all new and exciting because well, they are :)
Turn Ons/Offs:
Show Some Love <3
Presence turn me on. Being mean turns me off. Get it?
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Cause I'm awesome!