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Profile Headline: Man gets up from chair.
Last Login: 4 years ago
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About Me
Username: BouncingTigr
Gender: Male
Age: 116
City: The Belly of the Beast
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Occupation/Major: Harbinger of Doom
School: Excessive
Favorite Food: Spuds
Pets: E-Coli
Automobile: Please stop smashing into it.
About Me: No really. I'm not a dick too often.
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Fuck if I know. I suspect it involves puppies though.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: games, food, beer, books, music.
Favorite Books: M*A*S*H, Catch-22, Pride and Prejudice, The Baroque Cycle. Everything by Ursula LeGuin, Carl Hiaasen, and Neal Stephenson. Shakespeare's Plays, Lots of Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Detective/Crime stuff. Non-fiction can bite me unless it's about poker or bridge, Frank Zappa's autobiography, or Gdel Escher Bach.
What I Like To Do For Fun: games, food, beer, books, music.
Favorite Songs: Progressive Rock. Blues when the mood strikes me. Too many bands/artists to mention, but maybe I'll try if I feel like it sometime.
Favorite Movies: The Great Escape, Animal House, The Jerk, 48 Hours, The Silence of the Lambs.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Skydiving? Or maybe playing darts with a drunk 8-foot Marine in a biker bar while wearing a business suit.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: In Shea Stadium at the World Series with my dad.
Hobbies: Poker, bridge, PC games that are a generation out of date, bicycling (in theory), writing (mostly in theory too), talking to people who don't suck.
Talents: Brooding, listening, number crunching, not making use of credentials, forgetting how to ride a bicycle, being both too adult and too childish at the same time.
Perfect Mate: Brains, kindness, humor, gets me.
Perfect Date: Hah!
Turn Ons/Offs: on: See above plus long hair, naturalness, cute face, feistiness, honesty off: Expects mind reading, pushiness, stupidity, lies
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I'm not a dick too often.

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