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About Me
Username: CrazyDevilX
Gender: Male
Body Type: Muscular
Ethnicity: Other
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 185 pounds
Height: 68 inches
Age: 37
City: Grand Rapids
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Experimented
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Electronics, Computers, and Engineering, Music.
School: GRCC for Music and ITT for Engineering,
Favorite Food: Spaggetti, Oreo Cookies, Cupcakes, Red Meat. Pineapple.
Pets: 3 Cats none of which are mine.
Automobile: Chevorolet Limited Edition
About Me: if you seriously read all of that you pretty much know me in a nutshell i mean I'm not hard to understand... I'm pretty much a simple person... simple life and regular... I have modeled when i was in school... i do work for sites like these other then that nothing special about me at all lmfao..
Tags: funny, friendly, respectful, male, intelligent, nice guy, single, young
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Favorite Models: CockHungryPet Vanilla_charm
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: OMGGGGGGG NOOOOOOOOOOO. Live and Die, Black and White, Succeed or Dont Succeed, Apple and Oranges? then theres the stuff in the middle. that does both. im probably someone in the middle on the high end. thinking about the meaning of life. I think a lot and try to act on my dreams and my goals. the ones that are important.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: love, and friendship. things that allow people to be together... and live in peace.
Favorite Books: Many.
What I Like To Do For Fun: OWNAGE BAM I WINNN!!!!! HA!!! GAYYYYYY!!!! I answered this already I think.
Favorite Songs: I have many songs I like.
Favorite Movies: Many AGGHHHH!!! omggggg im losing my brainnn.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: KILLED SOMEONE HAAHAHAHAHAAHAMAUAHAAMAAUAHAMAUAHAAMAUAHA!!!! JKJK im not that nuts are you crazy.... I think the craziest thing I ever did.... climb 100's of feet up walked across a thin wire but with safeties connected to me and stuff but.. yeah.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Europe, Hawaii. Florida... many other places.
Hobbies: Running, lifting weights, chilling out on my computer working with servers, sleeping, going out to the theater, shopping, many others... including travel... love to be aware of the world around me... and meet a lot of different people, and care a lot about different people. all over the world.
Talents: ANYTHING YOU CAN DO I CAN DO BETTER I CAN DO ANYTHING BETTER THEN YOUUU NO I CANT YESSSS I CAN NOOO I CANT YESS I CAN YEEEESSSS I CANNNN!!!! lol... jk I'm not exactly sure about talents so much but I'll let you figure that out.
Perfect Mate: HOHOHOHOHOHOHO is there such thing? there really isn't anything perfect but... i suppose kind, someone with patience and liked my weird demeanor... someone that really understood who i am, inside and out... and knew that I am a good man... or that I try to be a good man.
Perfect Date: hmmmm.... if we get out alive I assume it would be a good date hahahaha don't take me literally, but i mean rather believing in one another. and lots of listening and paying attention.. that makes a perfect date anywhere.
Turn Ons/Offs: SLOB ON MY KNOB LIKE CORN ON THE COB LAY IN THE BED ANd GIVE ME HEADDDDD!!! many others =))))))))))))))))))))))) turn offs... well uhh anything that has to do with gross out of this world stuff... count me out... but trying something new is ok.... but going far beyond I might be a little freaked out. i mean just saying.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA... you will only know me... if you want to know me... if you don't then you will never know me... yep... that is the truth.
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