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Profile Headline: Loving faerie, made of love and kindness
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About Me
Username: FaerieLove
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Variable
Weight: 92 pounds
Height: 64 inches
Age: 51
City: Texas
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Gay
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Non Drinker
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Unemployed Electrical Engineer / Spiritual path
School: Iowa State University
Favorite Food: Chocolate, chocolate ice cream, cherry flavor fruit bars, cherry pastries, my fruit/veg smmothies
Automobile: Mini van
About Me: I am love, everything is love. Here is so very different. For I care. Yet, in spite of this there are limits to what I can do, physical limits. My heart loves anyway. Only rich in love, not material wealth. Cam-girls are persons. With their lives, desires, dreams, troubles, history, rich complexities, not mere things to idolize. They are persons who work here. I think there are similarities to the mostly naked dancers I knew. Like anyone, I say please treat with love, kindness, respect, understanding, and peace. For many, many years until 2011, a very great love and I shared infinite love and trust, very joyful, happy time. It ended with her death from illness. She was as a mostly naked dancer at gentleman's clubs. This was actually quite fun and interesting. I enjoyed it. So instead of being jealous, and weird, I celebrated her and her life. I am polyamorous, which means "I JUST LOVE", and that is all I do. For I am Love. No jealousy, insecurity, weirdness, controlling, games, petty, manipulation. Just LOVE. I want to find women lovers to share love with. That is all. And if they work showing their bodies, so be it. Its their body! Rather, if you love someone, you support, and encourage their joy and happiness. So just love, and be love, and celebrate them and their life! I very much want to explore my women lovers, and learn about them, and find out what provides them happiness, explore how to love them. I am all about love as a way of life, of being. So to any cam girl - if we fall in love - to share love, then great, let's share love.
Tags: loving, kind, caring, peaceful, spiritual, gentle, serene, romantic, energetic, passionate, divine, free spirit, special, faerie like, emotional, intelligent, calm, tender, very different, poly, mellow, accepting, open, aware, fun, joyful, self assured, generous in spirit
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Favorite Models: Adorableyogi ForestNymph Olivia
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Be love itself. We came here to share a love that the world has long forgotten. The world really needs love itself. It is a great joy to see joy everywhere around me. To have love, be love. To have kindness, be kindness, To have abundance, be abundance. To have respect, be respect. Just Love, give love freely everywhere. The unconditional love you give is the love that helps the world be a better place. Service to others matters much.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Sharing Love. loving friends. Money (food, water, living place, etc.) Time for myself. My spiritual life.
Favorite Books: Science, Exotic physics, Energy and space technology, Spiritual where I learn, grow, or reminded about my true being, about being more loving, alternative health books, books about off - grid living, some fantasy (especially faeries), science fiction
What I Like To Do For Fun: There is great joy in loving others. Jokes and teasing others is fun, I do this to people I like, try to break them out of their 'rut'. Take walks in nature by myself or with loved ones. Do my hobbies. Build things in my lab. If possible (rarely possible) cuddle, hug, kiss, intimate loving shared with a love. There is nothing like a warm sincere sharing of love - being held, hugs, cuddles, and meaningful loving intimacy.
Favorite Songs: Yes. Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Pink Floyd. Enigma, Moody Blues, Kitaro, Synergy, Spirit-Meditation-Mantra music. Eden by ATOLS (dub step), An electronica / dubstep radio station - Space Station SOMA. And many more.
Favorite Movies: Science fiction movies. Some children's movies (faeries). Movies that grow me spiritually. Anything related to my hobbies.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Drinking a few sips of wine (1/2 ounce?). This completely made me increadably silly, uncontrolled laughter and giggling. I ran around my friend's house like crazy, silly, laughing and giggling, singing faeries, faeries. After a while I sat down still giggling, and talking equations, and saying I was going to clone my dear loved friend (who became a great love for each other after this) so that everyone could have their own wonderful, beautiful, and lovable, adorable faerie. I proceeded to be silly and out of control all night, on a very small amount of wine. I was totally drunk on this, and I was a silly and happy drunk. To this day after this I avoided alcohol because it affects me so much, I completely lose control of myself, becoming ultra silly, happy, joyful, without any reason.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Outer space, in a starship. or the planet Mars. or in other dimenstions visiting ascended masters. OR Sharing love and life with my beautiful loves.
Hobbies: Spirituality, Meditation, Healthy living (food, etc.). Walking. Listening to music. Reading about exotic science and technology, to solve the energy crisis and more, may someday do this. Inventing. Electronics, Computers, Software, Embedded, my business is in this to help others. Physics and exotic physics. Exploring the greater realities of spirit / non physical / hyperdimensions.
Talents: Being peace, love, kindness, empathic, tenderness, calm, caring, understanding, respect. Great listener. This is how I find out so much about others. I want to respect others so I can be in a chat room a long time, just listening. Because I won't know whats going on or about others at first. I am very peaceful, calm and patient. My meditations have helped me be calm even when others are upset, and hostile. I observe, and try to see from their eyes. More of I wonder. And sadness if it all goes wrong. I do not have a shred of malice in my heart. I am not jealous, period - being polyamorous, loving many at once. My other talents are scientific - technology - nerdy, geeky, digital, computers, electronics. I love to tinker and make things.
Perfect Mate: It's likely mere fantasy, a pipe dream! Because connection (in love) is so necessary - and without this, nothing else happens! There is an energy that every person has. And it is exceedingly rare that my energy and their energy attracts each other - to fall in love. So I dream about: A loving woman. Has inner peace, love, caring, kindness, understanding, and respect. As I do. This person needs to be very self-secure, having awareness, spiritual qualities. Free-spirit, and healthy self-love. They need to be very open minded - I am polyamorous (I can and have loved many at once). They need to be open to my being very, very unusual - if she is pan or bi, that may work out better. Others are in my life because they want to be there - I want them, but they are free to part if they choose. Joy in the ones I love is a real Joy and important. I accept my loves as they are. I do love friends too. I can love many at once, and I have fantasies that some are young; and some are thin/light weight like me. (I do prefer this, but realize its a fantasy!)
Perfect Date: I am fun loving! It is impossible to say what we would create to really enjoy each other! Some things I love I would not expect you to be in to (understand and/or appreciate). Things like parks, beach, nature, museums, places to explore, a nice dinner, coffee shop, I do like and they allow us to talk and explore each other. What you like matters as much as what I like. So I may not have any good ideas - likely I would not know your area much. I also like nice quiet intimate times of cuddling, close, loving, and sharing love. If we "connect" and are into it, the bedroom is a cozy great place to explore each other, enjoy each other, and have fun!
Turn Ons/Offs: I am very empathic, I feel the emotions, and feelings of those I love. And so really sharing love, trust, peace, understanding, respect are great. Kindness is great. Desiring to really "get" each other is great. Feeling accepted as we are. Having joy in another's joy. Feeling safe with each other is great. Desiring to explore each other, to find out what encourages joy and happiness is great. Being patient, just present, supportive is great. Sharing is great. Sharing affection - cuddles, kisses, hugs, being held, "I am here for you, I listen, I care" is great. What turns off: Selfishness, greed, envy, malice, deception, manipulation, using others, treating others as things, only self centered - not caring of anyone else.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: To be truly, unconditionally loved, cared about, respected. To experience Infinite Love, Infinite Trust, Infinite Kindness. Experience the sharing of this. That is all I can be. So we can share life and love, really explore each other, learn, grow, and find out what encourages happiness, explore how to truly love. It is like if you love something, you care for it, like watering a plant, care about its being.
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hi i just sow your profile and i found you very interesting. i hope theres a chanse to meet you and know you better.kisses
Thank you for your kind words! I love your profile
I know you from the comments you leave in Agent_99's room. Amidst all of the comments in the room, yours stand out; always having a calming effect, always positive, and, I don't know any other way to put this, always soft. I am sorry for your loss but at the same time glad you come here for solace. Thanks for being you.

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