If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Cleaning the toilets of a prison in Saygon.
Oh, wait...
Having a black and white cocktail with Michael Jackson.
Going to bed very late,
Eating my nails at thriller and horror movies,
Reading the label of the shampoo in the pooilet,
Speaking alone,
Cursing at the fatty author of Game of Thrones,
Making lists of things,
Running away for travelling wherever I feel like
Sleeping in the morning,
Never mincing my words,
Taking French leave,
Selling a comb to a bald man,
Singing in the shower,
Looking like a real good photographer with my big Canon 450d
Perfect Mate:
A man with a great sense of humour
Perfect Date:
Any date is good if he finally shows up... and finds out my eyes are in my face, not in my chest.
Turn Ons/Offs:
I love feet and head massages.
I like people who intellectually stimulate me or at least make me laugh.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
You surely will laugh with me and forget this rubbish world even if it is for a while.