Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
42, nuff said.
Favorite Books:
The Street Lawyer, Mr. Timothy, Redwall series, Hitchhiker's Guide series, LOTR
Favorite Movies:
Any of the Pythons, any Kevin Smith, Alien(s), Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Tokyo Godfathers, Animal House and Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
Accidentally created a flamethrower using a grill. I closed the top of the grill but forgot to cut off the air supply for the charcoals so the fire would die. Opened the top 10 minutes later to be greeted by a fireball coming at me and my roommate. Closed the top immediately only to lose the hair on my arms and my roommate lost the tip of his widow's peak for a month. All in all pretty fun.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
The sands of Mars then perhaps a new galaxy and then create life possibly.