Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Favorite Books:
candide - voltaire
brave new world - aldous huxley
tender is the night - f scott fitzgerald
lolita - vladimir nabokov
life of pi - yann martel
fyodor dostoevsky
jrr tolkien
clive barker
albert camus
pablo neruda
herman hesse
Favorite Songs:
jazz & punk
freak folk
Favorite Movies:
a cabin in the woods
the imaginarium of doctor parnassus
some like it hot
i also like films by bergman, jim jarmusch, lynch, tarkovsky, kurosawa, fellini, woody allen, scorsese, ousmane sembene, etc.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
fucked myself on cam for money hahahaha
figure drawing
writing poetry
reading literature
Joining the CIA and becoming a CIA assassin is NOT a healthy life-style choice!
Long Time, ... No See