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About Me
Username: Jas_on
Gender: Male
Age: 120
Country: Canada
Sexual Preference: Straight
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Hi there it has been forever since I have saw you hope all is well with you, don't hesitate to pm me when u are on if im around I will come on and see u, I miss all our fun so much hope to catch up to you one of these days soon. kisses and hugs Carly

I Miss You - Comments and Images!

Hi my dear friend long time no see, I look for u but always seem to miss u, if u ever want too you are more than welcome to throw me a pm on freecams when u are online if im around I will come on, loved all our fun we had and such great times, would love to have fun with u again, Happy 2014, hope all is well with u, hope to see u again soon kisses and hugs CamillaKodair
Hi hon, I still think about u, miss seeing u, sure would love too have some fun again, I think the last time we were going to somebody stole me from u. When u are on throw me a pm if im on my computer and see it would love to play with u. I hope all is well with u and going ok, hope to see u soon, miss ya CamillaKodair
Hi dear friend been a longtime i miss u, whenever u are on just throw me a pm my way if im around i will come on , would love to play with u, miss u hope to see u soon. kisses and hugs CamillaKodair
Hi my dear friend boy that is the wierdest everytime u are on I am on my computer and up for some reason I just keep missing u, will be glad to see u again, miss our fun together. Kisses and Hugs, CamillaKodair
Hi my dear friend see u were on and the time u were on I was at my computer dont know how I missed u, but I miss u hope to see u soon, miss u lots, Kisses and Hugs CamillaKodair
Hi my dear friend I see I missed u again, I have missed u the last two times u popped in I have been away, hope to see u soon, I think of u alot, miss seeing u, hope to see u soon, KIsses and Hugs, CamillaKodair
Hi my dear friend see i missed u hope u come back, i had stepped away for a break to eat ect, i have been looking for u miss u so much, look forward to seeing u again soon. kisses and hugs CamillaKodair
Thanks for seeing me i loved our time spent together i hope i see u tonight again that was so great, you are a dear friend to me see u soon . Kisses and Hugs CamillaKodair
It was great to see u again my dear friend I was so excited and look forward to spending time with u later, I will be watching for u, so glad to see u, Kisses and Hugs Camilla Kodair
Hi my Dear Friend sorry my post didnt post anyway miss u so much and our time together, hope to see u soon Hugs and Kisses CamillaKodair
THERE WERE ERRORS FOUND IN THIS POST: You have used a tag that is not allowed. You have used a tag that is not allowed.
missed you hunn s

I Miss You - Comments and Graphics!
I miss u I need my Jas_on fix lol, looking forward to seeing u again, Kisses and hugs CamillaKodair

I Miss You - Comments and Graphics!
Miss u will be so glad to see u soon Kisses and Hugs CamillaKodair

Kisses - Comments and Graphics!
Thanks sweetie for dropping by, and thx for everything, see u again, i cant understand that with the freezing wish that could be better, that sucks, your internet must of went see ya kisses and hugs CamillaKodair
i am verry happy you are in my room again my friend wish i can see you this time millions of kissis for you

Thank You - Comments and Graphics!
Thanks alot sweetie for all your support i enjoy your company and visits and conversations, i have a nice time, Kisses and Hugs CamillaKodair

Hearts - Comments and Graphics!
Thanks hon for stopping it was great seeing u, see u soon, hugs and Kisses CamillaKodair

Thank You - Comments and Graphics!
Thanks so much sweety, you are a dear friend, sorry about the freezing and ect, sometimes these internets and computers are not cracked up to be what they are spose too, wish it would of been better for u, i enjoy our time together, thanks for stopping my dear friend, looking forward to your next visit, see u soon Hugs and Kisses CamillaKodair
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