Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
its all about me
Favorite Books:
i read tons! it would take me hours to list my favs... but i love the giver,jays journal, brave new world, fahrenheit 451, the twilight novels, all the sookie stackhouse books :) and soo much more...
Favorite Songs:
i love everything! even old school stuff!
Favorite Movies:
i love action, suspense, and horror... i do like chick flicks but they aren't my usual go to...
;) don't you wish you knew
Perfect Mate:
someone who will love my imprefections more than my perfections, who will look at me and not want to take his eyes off me even when theres a million other beautiful girls around, who thinks im wonderful even when im being completely ridiculous, someone who wants a classy lady not just some trashy slut.... someone who loves me even when im being a little brat, who likes to spoil me :) i love to be spoiled!
Turn Ons/Offs:
ons... good attitudes, respect, money to pay my bills with :)
offs... douchbags, guys who always complain
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: