Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Acceptance, does not mean give in, it means to go on.. endure... The meaning of life to me is to accept the things I cannot change, adapt, endure, and to make the most of every situation I can so that at the end of the day when I lay down to sleep... no regrets..
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
My choker chain
My vibrating wand
My dildo collection
My tail
My lingerie collection
Favorite Books:
Anything Anne Rice has written.. specifically the three Beauty Novels (claiming of sleeping Beauty, Beautys punishment and Beautys release)
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Dress up in lingerie and perform on camera for others pleasure
Favorite Songs:
80's and 90s rock, alternative music, grunge, pretty much anything as long as its decent..
Favorite Movies:
Warm bodies... its hillarious
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
worn a homemade butt plug tail that was really long, longer than my dress, out in public while catching a bus and going shopping. I also had a dildo in my handbag that got me rushed through the security check point bag check at the store... : )
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
On a cruise ship... or train tour where I was confined in a small space with my lover for at least two weeks
Drawing, body art... and kittening..
Musical talents
and... kittening.. lol
Perfect Mate:
Someone who is well spoken, confident, direct, and has no problems clearly expressing what it is that they want from me.... I love the idea of pleasing my partner.. and I adore being instructed into pleasing my partner
Perfect Date:
If its a partner I have been with for a while.. then the perfect date is to lock the front door... take the phone off the hook... and put my collar on a leash hook.. ; )
Turn Ons/Offs:
I love a confident partner... but there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance... I also don't appreciate those who try to degrade or humiliate me upon first contact... they usually get it so wrong.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
I am certainly not like most people.... I believe all artists are at least a little mad.. and I guess my kind of crazy.. could be entertaining.. lol