About Me
65 inches
United States
Sexual Preference:
Non Smoker
Majoring in Camsluttery?
Favorite Food:
Lollipops. No duh! :P
About Me:
About Me
Hello! If you are here looking for me you may have noticed my absence! I stepped away from camming without a lot of fanfare, it wasn't planned but I needed the change of pace! I'm still VERY active online, including posting new content on MFCshare. Make sure you visit my website (link above) it will have the most up-to-date links to find me! I make a lot of videos, most of which are posted on MFCshare (but a few aren't allowed due to their rules so make sure you check me out on socials etc so you don't miss any). I don't check my mail here often anymore, so use the contact form on my site for any important messages! I appreciate all the amazing years I had when I cammed regularly on MFC! I may still pop in for the occasional special stream - these will be well-advertised on my socials and MFC share! Until then, I do hope you'll find other ways to connect with me and enjoy my content!
All the videos and picture sets below can be purchased through MFC share. MFC share purchases are INSTANT and they do count to the countdown if I have one running. All my content is available for download or stream.
Need any help finding stuff? Just let me know!
Cant decide? Let me help!
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Get 8 videos
Get 21 videos
Lollis Lapdogs
A single tip of 6000 tokens means you are pound puppy club member FUR life!
The folks on my lapdog list mean a LOT too me. I realize that 6000 tokens is no small act of generosity. Thank you!!!
Lapdogs Get:

- Lifetime access the Puppy Pound club & all Puppy Pound perks FOREVER!
- An engraved Lapdog Dog Tag mailed to you.
- My Skype ID for IMing during my downtime
- Snapchat Forever
- Signed & Mailed Print
- Lapdog Fansign
- Their name on my profile FUREVER
- The option to add Lapdog to their name on MFC if they wish.
- My gratitude, loyalty and love. Furever.
The Alphadog is the holder of my single highest tip. I cannot express how INSANE this is!!! <3

Sissy Spencer
37,000 Tokens
R.I.P Far_Ranger

June 2018 we lost the Alpha Wolf of the Puppy Pound, and I lost one of the best friends Ive ever had.
Ranger will remain the ALPHA WOLF permanently on my profile. We love and miss you Ranger.

Dman75 | Imozone | Nosfarato |
Thassos47 | Thomas102 | MovieDVD* |
MidniteSteel | Raymond47 | DarthBasic |
Spydermon | BigPoppaCrom | DudeExtreme |
Lollis_Pat | LapDogMoose | EvilMissingU** |
RedRoverBend | AnOkayGuy | BigAl*** |
IndiaCharlie | SuperElmo | LeatherWorker |
Zamuth | DonBananas | Rbiggs |
StickyFuzball | PokerChris | MicDante |
HiGirlsRHot | HeathenRock | Stev013 |
Mathew74 | LuxBonteri | TrueIdiot |
Vithus69 | ArmeeBoy | RedOktober21 |
LadyJayne* | IanRotc | Solly3297 |
Always_Tim | TinyBen | Sasha_Sir |
VeniVidiVixi | RalphEdwards | Burnsie986 |
Last_Ranger | neonmannequin | BillyBeer |
Bahamut586 | Dimonium | Zenlan (MeasPuppy) |
PuppyTCB | Luckycharm63 | DD_Bellaroux |
D1rtyDeeder | Joeman1989 | kitsunekitty |
Striker44mfc | niskycat | Lollis_Grant |
CrimsonQuill | Khurzan1439 | Lee91969 |
joelpowerrrr | RedVelvet | Karuga | | |
***Sponsored by Lollis_Pat | ****Sponsored by Paws_Senpai | * sponsored by SuperCock |
SaphiraCourt**** | **Sponsored by LapdogMoose | |
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