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Profile Headline: Let them chat.
Last Login: 3 years ago
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About Me
Username: LetemChat
Gender: Male
Age: 120
City: Freechat
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Non Drinker
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Defender of chat rights.
Pets: Pet Peeve: Muting when there is no reason to mute. (just because a basic or guest spoke)
About Me: If I was a model I would try to let everyone chat. Models that don't mute have more people in the room. More people in the room can result in more tips and big tips because some people like to be the hero and show off. I would ban rude or annoying people. In my topic I would write 'I ban for tips'. This would help keep them under control and it could be fun. . Part of being a model on MFC is getting requests to see something without tipping. Just ignore them or make humor out of it using funny emotes to respond. I would encourage the regulars in my room to help me handle the guests and basics by responding to them for me. This would give my regulars who can't buy tokens a way to help out and contribute to the room. I am a perfectionist. I appreciate models that strive to get better and try new ideas to keep things interesting. I am not motivated to tip a model just because they were lucky enough to be born beautiful. I need to like and respect the model. I respect models that make an effort to be nice to everyone. I believe this will result in high quality people becoming regulars that will support them. I encourage everyone to leave a comment on my message wall whether you agree with me or not.
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Life is more interesting with variety. The different characters that visit a room can make it more interesting to hang out in. Most premiums are freeloading anyway so why not treat all non-tippers the same? GIVE TIPPERS SPECIAL ATTENTION! Show some emotion when they tip you! Put some effort into thanking them! Say their name when you thank them. Some people put a lot of thought into picking a name and they like hearing the model say it. Most premiums tip because they like the model (as a nice person ) and they want to make the model happy!
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Five Things I CAN Live Without 1. Premiums that think they are superior to the guests and basics because they bought tokens once. 2. Models that don't thank people for small tips. 3. Models that don't want or appreciate advice. 4. Models who don't have good sound and video quality. 5. Models that don't smile or speak.
Favorite Books: How To Make Your Chat Room Fun. (not boring)
What I Like To Do For Fun: I am on MFC to have fun as are many other people. I appreciate the models that can have fun with the guests and basics by responding to their chat using emoticons or witty replies. There are premiums on this site that are very good at this. This turns their chat into a positive by making the room more fun to hang out in. When someone is being annoying or is rude, BAN THEM using an emoticon!
Favorite Songs:
Favorite Movies: Where Do Premiums Come From?
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Bought tokens.
Hobbies: Trying to help models by giving them my advice. ADVICE: Treat guests and basics like possible customers. Other advice: Use your voice, TALK, it makes you more of a person instead of just a sex object. Also, this is very important, make sure you have good lighting in front of your camera facing you. Your camera image will be better.
Talents: I am able to mute without any help. I can skillfully click on the OPTIONS button on top to turn off their chat. This might seem to be very simple but many people can't seem to do it. They ask the model to mute the guests and basics for them. I never mute however. Their chat makes the room more interesting.
Turn Ons/Offs: Turn Ons: Models that smile and give everyone a chance to chat. Turn Offs: A model that mutes when a premium who hasn't tipped tells her to mute. A model that complains that nobody is talking to her when she has most of the room muted. The premiums aren't talking because they don't intend on tipping ( they are freeloading).
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I am a shy, quiet person. If I am participating in the chat it is because I am trying to help the model. I will support the models that I like and who make an effort to talk to me.
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