Your Time: | |
MyFreeCams Time: |
This is a completely blank profile framework. Anything you put within this section here will be displayed on your profile. It is a good starting point for you to put images of your tip menu's, clubs, videos etc.
The maximum width of this profile is set to be 1366px by default, you can change this by editing line 53 in the CSS.
If you would like everything centered in your profile, remove the /* and */ from line 67 in the CSS.
To show RATE & ADMIRE: change line 15 to display:table;
To show NEWSFEED on your profile: change line 20 to display:block;
To show PHOTO GALLERIES and PASSWORD PROTECTED PHOTO GALLERIES: change line 26 to display:block;
To show PROFILE COMMENTS: change line 31 to display:block;
Copy this HTML section to the About section on your profile (Edit Profile > Profile Information > Step 4 > More About Me/Bio). Copy everything in the CSS column to the Customize Profile section. You can delete this text at anytime.
This is a free-to-use profile framework (MIT License). If you use this, let me know! If you run into any problems or issues while using this, please let me know too. Contact me on twitter @omg_bees for any custom profile work you would like! If you find this useful, donations are accepted here, or transferred tokens are super appreciated!