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About Me
Username: Littlekat
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 40 kilos
Height: 151 centimeters
Age: 40
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Marital Status: Single
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Favorite Models: MAD_Mary JadeDragon
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Photobucket HEH! Cute lil song with nice pussy pics!!! Kissssses SunBeam~!~!
Massive Hug

Hope you have a great holydays nad lot of fun and good feelings this Xmas Kate
Have a great Halloween Kate
Hi Kate, a bird told me it was your birthday, so you know, happy birthday and all that stuff. I hope you had a nice day with your friends and family, and that this year will be better than the past one. Even thought you are still really young you are becoming an atractive and interesting woman, be proud of it. Many happy returns!!
Blowing Kisses 4 (lol I hope this works) if not it is a kiss.
funny-pictures-kitten-avoids-bath-plays-dead Hi Kate!! Kisses to you! [img][/img]
Hi Kate !!!!! HUUUGGGZZ!!!! I know that you like little kittens , who couldn't? Here's a couple I found for you! I Love how your presence is like a sparkle of light,keep shining bright Kate! War xoxo Kitty_Cup Kitty_Cup
Hi Kat, just passed by to say Hi, but your charming face keep me hanged here a lot of time . I'm really glad to met you at Mary's room and hope to know some more about you in the future. Kisses and hugs (friendly hugs).
* "You have great TASTE*" Missed that word, geeez!
Mary has great taste , coz she likes you, You have great , coz you like Mary. I have twice the taste, coz I like you both!!!!! KISSES Sweety!!!!!!!!!
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