Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Beauty is at the crossroads of visible and invisible.of life and death, of reason and crazyness. Yasuo Kobayashi
La belleza est en el cruce de lo visible y de lo invisible, de la vida y de la muerte, de la razon y de la locura. Yasuo Kobayashi
Favorite Books:
All books by Victor Hugo : poetry (The Legend of the Ages), novels (The workers of the sea), theater... Poems by Arthur Rimbaud : the drunken boat, my bohemian life... Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. Novels by Zola. Vendredi, by Michel Tournier. The Prophet, by Khalil Gibran. Stabat Mater, by Tiziano Scarpa. The divine Comedy, by Dante. All works by Pablo Neruda. And many others...
Favorite Songs:
Vivaldi, Bach...and the Beatles. French song : Brassens, Ferrat...
Favorite Movies:
All movies by Stanley Kubrick. More, by Barbet Shroeder. Barry Lindon. All movies by Fellini. Etc...
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
To stay 72 hours on a beach, night and day, with food and water for 3 days, walking, swimming, sunbathing, eating, sleeping, following the rythms of the tide, of the sun. A great experience !
Quedar 72 horas en una playa, de dia y de noche, con la comida y el agua para 3 dias, caminando, nadando, comiendo, durmiendo, siguiendo los ritmos del sol y de las mareas. Una experiencia inolvidable !
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
In Bora-Bora, Polynesia, with the fragrance of the tropical flowers, and the view on the mountains and the lagoon.
Walking in the nature, swimming naked in the sea, reading, cooking, gardening... Learning languages.
Contemporary dance.
Learning and reciting poems.
Caminar por la naturaleza, nadar desnudo en el mar, cocinar, hacer jardineria... Aprender nuevas idiomas.
Danza contemporanea.
Aprender poemas y recitarlos.
Recitation of poems, listening to people.
Recitar poemas. Atencion a los demas.
Perfect Mate:
Sincere, intelligent.
Turn Ons/Offs:
On : loyalty.
Off : begging