Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
One day at a time, buckled in for this wild ride there is only one meaning in life to me and that is to share love and beauty with the world around me on this wild roller coaster of life we live in!
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
1) My Cat
2) Pizza
3) Music
4) Hula Hoops
5) Good vibes and good people
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Drink wine, dance, sing, create, and cook!
Favorite Songs:
Bassnectar, any electronic music that makes me wana dance the night away! Huge love for metal and rock music anything from Slayer, Marilyn Manson and anything classic rock. Im an open ear to music even love for classic music jazz hip hop, if its got a beat I can groove to Im in love! Music is life!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Hidden away somewhere in the mountains of Colorado far from civilization, to have the nice peace and quiet surrounded by natures beauty!
Hula hoop performer for 5 years, spinning fire hoops, contact staff, levitation wand, gloving.
Hula hoop life! Spin all the things! Flow arts! Drawing, painting making clothes and creating constantly!
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Im a unique individual with a very open mind set, genuine heart and soul.