Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
So, the Meaning of Life is to find meaning IN Life. It's pretty depressing to think we're just here and then gone without any rhyme or reason -- but that is a possibility. The Universe is a pretty big place, not taking into account multiple realities and parallel Universes so -- to think we are some Benevolent Creatures DIRECTLY descended from ONE diety -- just does not compute in my head. And, that's why we're all here, all built differently, so we can perhaps pool together our collective minds and unite in the name of Life. (Hippie stoner talking at the moment lol but you get my drift and I hope I didn't offend anybody by this post because that is not my intention ever)
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
1.) Ma Kittehs yeah that's right, I freakin' love ma Kittehs.
2.) Yoga and all the studies, backrounds, forms, breathing techniques ALL OF IT helps me get through the day and has changed my life
3.) Freedom of speech -- let's face it, it's a luxury nowadays and I'm grateful to have it (oh god that's just disgustingly patriotic of me...)
4.) Music, it's the universal language, can YOU imagine a world without music?, doesn't it
5.) I'm a stoner, what do you think?
Favorite Books:
Anything Shakespeare
"The Cosmic Connection" Carl Sagan
"Starwalkers" William Henry
"The Nature of Personal Reality" Jane Roberts
"50 Shades of Grey" E.L James
"Invisible Monsters" Chuck Palahniuk
What I Like To Do For Fun:
I love going to go see shows -- concerts, operas, musicals, symphonies -- experiencing all that energy in the moment is beyond fun. I also making dreadlocks (i.e D.E synthetics DM me if you're interested), being adventurous in downtown wine and beer cultures... listening to music, going inverted on stuff like my yoga trapeze, lyra and making crazy shapes! I also like to practice poi, perform Burlesque, and do stupid shit with my friends.
Favorite Songs:
Everything Rock from 1965-2018 but not the crappy prog rock that failed in the early 2000's. Type-o-negative, Mindless SelfIndulgence, Slipknot to the other end of the musical spectrum -- lofi chillstep, zen hip hop, binaural tones, and cat techno.
Favorite Movies:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
All The Avengers Movies
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
The Fountain
The 4th Kind
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
I almost beat up 5 College Rugby players for doing cocaine with my best friend and my boyfriend, and they didn't invite me.
Oh yeah, these were college SCOTTISH RUGBY PLAYERS so these guys weren't small dudes and neither was my bf. When I busted the window open, they all scattered like cockroaches.
Ok ok ok in my defense -- I was drunk. And hookah-ed. Everyone was. I just happened to have a Hulk moment.
I wrote an apology letter sometime the next morning and stuck it on their window. .. .I hope it was their window. lol
The end.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
SOMEWHERE WARM AND COLORFUL. I live in a beautiful place, but right now I'd like to be somewhere in the Polynesian Islands... being massaged on a beach... climbing waterfalls and doing magic mushrooms with local peeps to figure out the Meaning of Life and report back to you guys. XD
Yoga, dancing, reading, fashion design, writing, thinking, going to the gym, listening to music, blazin' out to obscure 1970s music. I love tattoos and plan on getting more.
Singing, Dancing, Acting, Poetry, Stage Presence, Divination in I Ching, Energy Crystal Work and Emotional Healing; Yogi, Rockstar at heart, Natural born Witch in my Art.
Perfect Mate:
I don't think there is a perfect "one" mate for everybody. C'mon, there's 7 BILLION people on this planet. ... But I'll play ;)
My perfect companion is someone who I can do whatever I want with him/her and whoever else we want to invite to the party. Someone I can be my absolute self and reciprocate trust and unconditional love. Cuz when you love someone, that stuff comes naturally. I want a Selfless Love.
Perfect Date:
The perfect date would start before the date starts. My date would have a spa day scheduled for my first part of the day, followed by meeting up and going shopping together. I LOVE dressing up other people and putting together statements! We then would make lunch and sit out on a terrace or on top of a building overlooking the city with a few bottles of wine and laugh and talk and get super blitzed. We then would get ready to find our tickets for VIP backstage passes for an incredible concert where we'd meet the bands in our kickass outfits, being kickass together, sharing every kickass moment and wanting to build more. After the show? Who knows ;)
Turn Ons/Offs:
RUDE PEOPLE who interrupt and/or think their opinion is the only one that matters (this includes racists, bigots, self-righteous religious diehards, and neo white supremecists), Pushy people (no means no, we learned this when we were 3 years old), People who are more interested in their phones than existing in real time.
TURN ONS: Any Euro accent whispered in my ear and I swoon... long hair on guys, long hair on girls, I'm an ass woman... big muscles on guys, but SELF-CONFIDENCE is a huge game-changer. I attract the people who may not be the most beautiful but they are like me: the most Memorable.
If you show up on my doorstep with wine, bud, and pizza willing to massage my body, that's gold. Also, intimate photoshotos and movie shoots... I guess I *really* like being in front of the camera.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
The best reason to get to know me, is because, well... there is no other Being, anywhere, like Me. :)
I love interacting and meeting new Humans and have been known to be a most gracious Host. As I might be mysterious and intimidating at first, if I approve of you, you will be very pleasantly surprised with all my pleasantries.