Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Loving yourself and others!! Happiness!!
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Favorite Books:
A Farewell to Arms
Oh, The Places You'll Go
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Experimental cooking;)
Favorite Songs:
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Kiss me Slowly - Parachute
All About Us - He is We
Not Me - Keni Thomas
Only One for Me - Brian McNight
Let's Make Love - Tim McGraw & Faith Hill
Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
And a Wholeee Bunch Moreee!!!
Favorite Movies:
Finding Forrester
Cruel Intentions
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Wherever I'd be happiest=)
Being awesome;)
Perfect Mate:
Hmm.. I like boys who are nice. Boys that like to smile when I smile and boys that like to smile at themselves.
I like them intelligent and maybe a tad nerdy. Being fearless of bugs in also a plus.
I like boys who hug me from behind and are maybe even a little weird. But not pyscho.
I want them to try their best and can tell witty jokes. I like boys who like themselves.. and me;)
My perfect guy would also be one of the following... A pirate, jedi, super saiyan or at least except my love for them... bahaha=)
Perfect Date:
Take me somewhere; somewhere wonderful. Take my hand and teach me how to dance. Spin me around and whisper to me that you'll never let me fall. Lift me in the air and assure me that you'll always catch me. Lets get caught in a classic cliche and dance around in the rain. Buy me a red balloon at the zoo. And if we ever hear the song we first danced to - hopefully at Applebees - say to me, 'do you hear that? They're playing our song'.
Turn Ons/Offs:
Turn Ons - smartiness, awesomeness, and TIES.. I love guys in a tie:)
Turn Offs - stinky, mean, and just all around horrible.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
I'm awesome:)