Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
To Work out the meaning of life :D
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
My mobile
My straighteners
"The naughty girls guide to life" (my bible)
Blossom Hill
Favorite Books:
Sugar Rush
Various shakespeare scripts
The handmaids tale
Slaughter house 5
Tess of the durbervilles (although not a great fan of hardys works)
Taming the beast (best novel in the world)
Favorite Songs:
Again im openminded
Nouvelle vogue
The lovers
Family force 5
Kings of leon
Sean Paul
you name it i love it
Favorite Movies:
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Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
probably.... when i pulled down a policemans trousers and nicked his hat. That is a funny story ....
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
id be in my room in a t-shirt and pants dancing to "right said fred-im too sexy for my shirt" :D
I like to design my own clothes
i like to read and genrally study
I Love meeting new people
Going out
Painting Textiles generally arts and crafts
i also have a good buissiness brain on me.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Im not like everyother, and for some reason im not even really that interested in your money.
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