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Deftones, Opeth, Porcupine Tree, Pearl Jam, Megadeth, Pantera, Slayer, Metallica,Tool, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Kipelov, Nirvana, Mudvayne, Radiohead, Slipknot, Godsmack , Asking Alexandria, Bring Me The Horizon, Shields, Parasyche, Ill Niño, Caskets, Pierce The Veil, Hollow Front, Breaking Benjamin, Sinkarma, Hesse Kassel, Rage Against the Machine, King Crimson, Symphony X, Dream Theater, The Pineapple Thief, Alter Bridge, Alice In Chains, A Perfect Circle, Los Jaivas, Rata Blanca, Heroes Del Silencio, Kuervos del Sur, Nano Stern, Weichafe, Bbs Paranoicos, Fiskales Ad-Hok. + + +
No hay barrera, cerradura, ni cerrojo que pueda imponer a la libertad de mi mente.