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Profile Headline: MrSeffy is looking for eye candy and more
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About Me
Username: MrSeffy69
Gender: Male
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 200 pounds
Height: 71 inches
Age: 55
City: Harris
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Heavy
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Party
Occupation/Major: Personal Care Attendant
Favorite Food: Ribeye Steak
Pets: 5 cats
Automobile: Buick Park Ave
About Me: I grew up in the 80's. So yeah.. GenXer here. I had big hair bands and heavy metal for parents. I come from the era of cocaine cowboys and the invention of the VHS and cable TV (what a sham.. The whole idea behind PAYING for your television was so you didnt have to watch commercials... I see NetZero took notes on that trend and followed suit.) So yeah..... I am basically just a fun loving guy who writes music so that others can better understand what I was feeling. And I wear the mohawk because I have the skull for it and it looks good when I am on my motorcycle.
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: The meaning of life.... To feel good. Since we all seek pleasure in our own way or form... I would say that yeah... To feel good is the meaning of it all.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Music / Air / Food / My Wife / My children.... Not in that order per say... But yeah
Favorite Books: The Catcher in the Rye, Where the Red Fern Grows, and the funnies in the Sunday paper.. They do to count.. Ya gotta fucking read em don't ya? haha
What I Like To Do For Fun: Most of the things I like to do for "fun" are illegal or frowned upon by all the goddamn bible thumpers in this small, no where, hick-ville town I am stuck in at the moment.
Favorite Songs: I cant pretend to pick
Favorite Movies: I have roughly 3500 movies. I couldnt pick favs if I wanted to
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Came out of the bar shit face drunk and had my girlfriend lead me home by using my pecker as a leash. About 8 blocks through town. Funny as hell at the time... Looking back... Man... I coulda got into a lot of trouble had the 5-0 seen that.. hehe
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: I would be in the other room with my wife. Luckily... She's doing her hair so I have some time to answer these silly questions.
Hobbies: Computers / photography / tinkering with things. I also enjoy swapping photos online with people!
Talents: I play the guitar (electric or acoustic) / drums / bass / and sing. All this is necessary because I write and record my own music. Im not big on covers really. Someone has already "been there, done that" Why should I follow?
Perfect Mate: The perfect mate isnt even possible. This is a trick question. BUT.. I would choose someone exactly like my wife. Which is the whole reason I asked her to be my bride in the first place, now isn't it?
Perfect Date: The perfect date is one that ends where both parties feel like something could come of this. Everything else is a waste of time.
Turn Ons/Offs: I am a guy. I am hardwired to be visually stimulated. But if you need a list of things... First and foremost.. I am a "booty" man. Nothing is sexier than a righteous, curvy booty. Ugh... It makes me crazy when the booty is out! Intellect is a good quality too. The best looking woman will irritate the piss out of you if she cant keep up with the conversation or the jokes ALWAYS go over her head. haha
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: There are 6.7 billion people on the planet. Roughly. So I can't think of an answer for this one. Seriously.. Think about it... Odds are... You're one of the 6.69999999 billion I can't stand anyway... hehe
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