Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Accumulate experience.
Don't seek meaning, you will never find anything but more questions.
Embrace interaction,
Feel anything.
Enjoy the ride.
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Myself (can't get away). Other people (distract me from myself). A job (so I can eat and stuff). Music (distracts me from everything). Silence.
Favorite Books:
What I Like To Do For Fun:
stare blankly into emptiness while i contemplate the complexity of simplicity. Or just read and watch tv and play videogames and whatever.
Favorite Songs:
Favorite Movies:
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
Somebody blew my world away, somebody led my life astray. Everyone leave my mind alone
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Lately the winds of change are telling me to run somewhere beyond where I have been. Somewhere beyond the end.
They are between. Not what they used to be, and not what they have become, In those times, they are nothing. And I am invisible, and I am nothing too. ...The secret is, it is not always desperate and dark. Sometimes it is just nothing. No burden of potential or regret, There are worse things than being nothing, my friend.-Christopher Moore
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
I might make you laugh.
Happy New Year Issochka) Wish you a lot of ice-cream
Happy Halloween Issochka!
Cute Graphics
To All My Friends... I got You All In My Friend List No Matter What
My friend have a great weekend and week. Be good and take care!!!!