Interests & Hobbies
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Human Connection
Favorite Books:
I prefer fiction. *Insert the usual geeky preferences here*. I don't read enough because I am overwhelmed by variety. Recommend something good, it will be greatly appreciated. Also, my best friend has reintroduced me to the world of non-fiction; Wikipedia articles & technical manuals! Oh yes!
Favorite Songs:
I prefer my music like I prefer my lovers, obscure and under appreciated. Seriously, please turn your terribly over played radio station down. D:
Favorite Movies:
I've decided to list my gaming preferences instead:
WoW (My account is currently disabled) , Minecraft, Munchkins (preferably while drinking) , Halo 2, D&D, Tetris, Pokmon, All the Donkey Kong games from the SNES era, Nethack... there are more I'm sure, but I haven't really sat down to play a game in about a year (PPD is lame) so I'll get back to this section.
Consoles of choice are PC & Nintendo's Handhelds.
I am a firm believer that the GBA SP was their best creation. I have a blue one with a Pokemon:Leaf Green cartridge that's lost somewhere in a storage unit. I miss it terribly. Also, if you're wondering, Bulbasaur, always!
Music, gaming and, sex.
Tehehe. ;D
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
I can actually carry on a conversation with you. I'll remember your name and once I get to know you, you will be considered a friend. I hate referring to you all as customers. : It makes everything feel so cheap to me. I'm down to earth and I'm just honestly here because I love doing what I do.