Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Herbal Tea,
Body Mods,
My Dance Pole,
Online shopping
Favorite Books:
Anything H.G Wells and anything David Sedaris...complete opposites on the spectrum, but both totally awesome. I'm a fan of dark classics such as Frankenstein and Dracula. I enjoy the science fiction works of John Wyndham. I also like some Orwell here and there. Then there's Lewis Carroll, whose works I grew up on. Come to think of it, I could list books and novelists till I was blue in the face and I'd still be going.
What I Like To Do For Fun:
I'm a stripper, so I make my living by having fun and being the life of the party! I like to challenge myself sexually. I like laying around and watching movies. I also like cycling, roller skating, and hiking. Sometimes I browse the internet in order to learn new random, craptastic facts.
Favorite Movies:
Anything Kubrick, American Psycho, Snatch, Pan's Labyrinth, Hitchhiker's Guide, any Star Trek, Jacob's Ladder, the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Alien, Moon, Event Horizon, Star Wars...
I like to take on various things and be almost good at them at keeps life interesting. Thus, I have no real, dedicated hobbies, save for perhaps body modification and online shoe shopping. And collecting weird sex toys. Oh dear.
Deepthroating, let's be blunt. I'm really good at math and memorizing stuff. I'm also good at sarcasm. I can dress myself pretty well, I suppose. I can hold my own in a conversation. I'm fantastic at being myself and not being afraid of who I am.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
I will ALWAYS keep you entertained in one way or another.