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I'm that rare breed: a smart, sexy geek. If you didn't pick up on that from my screen name, then we probably won't hit it off. ;) Even rarer than your typical geek-girl, I'm willing to take my clothes off and chat with strangers! (Although I hope we won't be strangers long.) To be clear, I'm a geek of the sci-fi/fantasy variety. (Although I know enough to get some math/science/computer jokes too--xkcd anyone?) And yep, I'm quite intelligent to boot.
I'm not just making this up to attract viewers; I have actual geek cred. I can name all 13 actors who have played the Doctor (not counting the Watcher and the Valeyard). I play D&D twice a week. I've seen every episode of Red Dwarf multiple times (not counting series 7 or 8). I'm well aware that fear is the mind killer, that "scruffy-looking nerf herder" is an insult, that retiring a replicant does not involve a condo in Florida, and that Carousel can mean something much more sinister than merry-go-round. I can also name three television-based alien races that have two hearts. Can you? :)
ABOUT MY CHATROOM: Heres the deal guys. I like talking to polite, nice, intelligent fellas. If youre rude or just crude, Ill simply ignore you. Im happy to take off some clothes and talk to you, but lets keep it civil shall we? If you want naughtiness and dirty talk, well, then invite me to a private or group show. :)
I'm astonished that such a profound question is asked in this milieu. I suppose I could go with one of my favorite sayings; "This, too, shall pass." Or I could just parrot Joseph Campbell and say "Follow your bliss!"
(And ok, there's the obligatory 42 reference as well.)
I'm tempted to be irritatingly literal and say something like oxygen, sustenance, shelter, etc. Instead I'll go with the following:
My family
My friends
My couch
If you have an eon, I might be able to list them all for you. :) Instead, I’ll just list a few favorite authors:
William Shakespeare
Robin Hobb
Andre Norton
Issac Asimov
Neil Gaiman
Harlan Ellison
Julian May
Anne McCaffrey
Roger Zelazny
Lloyd Biggle Jr.
Ursula K. LeGuin
Stephen King
Susan Cooper
Madeline L’Engle
Guy Gavriel Kay
Melanie Rawn
And gosh! SO many more!
Read (almost exclusively sci-fi/fantasy, including some comic books)
Watch tv/movies via Netflix (also lots of science fiction, including some anime)
Listen to music/see bands
Play D&D (Dungeons and Dragons -- twice a week!)
Play board games (and card games and dice games...)
Jigsaw puzzles
Play Rock Band (vocals and drums!)
Oh good lord, that's like asking me to pick a favorite child! I simply refuse to try. If you're curious, join my chat and ask me what I'm into at the moment. I have very eclectic tastes, and am in the mood for something different from day to day.
Lawrence of Arabia
The Shawshank Redemption
The Matrix
Dark City
Blade Runner
Total Recall
Logan's Run
The Trilogy (of course)
The Neverending Story
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Breakfast at Tiffany's (ok, so I am kinda girly from time to time)
An Affair to Remember
Mullholland Drive
Center Stage
I'd be on my couch!
See the What I Do For Fun category. :)
I have an excellent grasp of the English language, and know how to correctly use large words. (I'm positively sesquipedalian on occasion.)
I'm an excellent editor.
I'm a good problem solver.
I can kinda sing.
I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. (My record is six seconds.)
I give one hell of a blowjob.
Someone who is:
Witty (Yes, I'm aware I basically listed the first two twice.)
Open minded
It's more about who I'm with and how I'm feeling than what I'm doing. The more talking, the better! (Until it's time to stop talking, that is...)
A dry wit
Good grammar
Large vocabulary
Keyboarding skills (seriously--guys who can type or play piano are sexy)
In-depth knowledge of something one is passionate about
Poor grammar (although it's acceptable in a chat room)
Closed minds
What a self-serving category! Then again, this is a webcam site, it's all about being self-serving. :) Um... You can have an intelligent conversation about a variety of topics while watching me parade around scantily-clad (or possibly unclad). If you're turned on by smart, geeky girls, then you should definitely get to know me!