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About Me
Username: SteveO2054
Gender: Male
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 180 pounds
Height: 71 inches
Age: 39
City: Philly
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Moderate
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Occasionally
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: total blue collar jabroni
School: Fuckin Harvard.Whatever.No big deal.
Favorite Food: Chicken wings bra.
Pets: nope
Automobile: ditto
About Me: Im the champ.What else is there.
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Favorite Models: AshlynnStorm Autumn_Blonde
Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Seriously.How the fuck do I know. Probably wouldnt be here if I knew that.Probably wouldnt be anywhere.huh?
Five Things I Can't Live Without: food,water,air,and two other clever answers that escape me right now
Favorite Books: I used to read books like a champ when I was a kid, but if I end up reading any books nowadays its usually a biography on someone. Last book I remember reading was Artie Langes autobiography 'Too Fat to Fish.' I read the Philly Daily News everyday though.
What I Like To Do For Fun: whatever I feel like doin for fun at the time.I pretty much go with the flow
Favorite Songs: As long as its got a beat goin that I can boogy my fuckin ass off to or super hard electric guitar in it, Im good.
Favorite Movies: All of the Godfathers cept for #3,Goodfellas,Casino,Blow,Scarface,Face/Off,Superbad,Stepbrothers,Blades of Glory,Anchorman,The Fighter,The Sopranos,Dexter,Curb Your Enthusiasm,Breaking Bad,Weeds,Family Guy,Philly sports,etc.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: ummmm, I put two different kinds of cheese on my ham sangwich one time. Does that count?
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: at some form of a Philadelphia sporting event. Actually, at a Phillies,Flyers,or Eagles game. I dont give a shit about the rest of em.
Hobbies: I dont think smokin weed and playin XBOX are really the definition of the word Hobby, but if they are, then ya, there ya go.
Talents: One time I conducted the entire New York Philaharmonic orchestra with just my buttcheeks.
Turn Ons/Offs: Fuckin Cock baby. AWwwWWWW Yah
Message Wall
sometimes i want to marry you, other times i want to throw a ball of tuna in your ear....have a nice day xoxo
Hi bb!!! Im Karina! Ntmu XDDD
Aloha US)
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