Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:

Favorite Books:

Books? Ain't nobody got time fo dat
lol seriously though I rarely have the opportunity to read any books but I'd like to, throw me out some suggestions
Favorite Movies:
Not gonna lie, I <3 Disney movies. I'm pretty chill so realistically I'll watch nearly any movie and enjoy it, especially if they have a sexy cast hehe
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
Get me talking and I just might tell you ;)
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Right near the beach....boyyee
sexxxxxxxxxx. I'm addicted and can never get enough. Think you can satisfy me?
15 minutes with me and you'd have a pretty good idea of what my talents are....
Turn Ons/Offs:
Playing dress up gets me going, I LOVE putting on sexy outfits and heels. I have an addiction, really, I have tons of outfits to play in
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
Because I'm mother fucking awesome, that's why