Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Each person has own meaning of life and it could be achiving goals, making career, raising children.. For me now, meaning of life is not about material things, they are easy to lose. You have to keep kindness in your heart, because its what matters, i just want my family was safe and happy, i want piece on the Earth and i really want the war is over..
Favorite Songs:
I like different types of music, but ithe best for me is rap and hip hop music, sometimes i imagine myself as an rnb star and just perfome for myself , also i like listening to a more chill music - Lana Del Ray is my choice for such mood. For dance i would turn on Rihanna or Lady Gaga
Favorite Movies:
I love films! the best choise for evening for me could be a comedy like Jay and Silent Bob, always so fun to watch
I like playing guitar, im not really a master in it, also i draw and take film pictures, and i loove dancing so much! just turn on sexy incendiary music and you cant stop me...
Im not sure if its a talent but i like doing make up and i think im good at this! its like an art for me - u cant do whatever you want and prove yourself!
Perfect Mate:
I believe in true love and an ideal man for me is that who is taking care of his woman, the one you feel comfortable with. I think in a couple partners should treat each other with respect and being close physically and emotionally.
Perfect Date:
Every date has the potential to be awesome. It doesn't matter if you go for a walk in a park or going together to a bar for drinking some beer, if the right person is near me i would just enjoy every minute spent together. I like going to the nature and cuddling at home, going to the cinema or walking at the beach..
Turn Ons/Offs:
Im explotring still :D