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About Me
Username: Reverend_Wood
Gender: Male
Body Type: Muscular
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Variable
Weight: 18 pounds
Height: 16 inches
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Light
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
School: Yes - Obedience School - Failed
Favorite Food: Yellow birds, wabbits, rodents. Anything I can catch.
Pets: The occasional rodent - Okay, not really a pet but, I like to play with my food.
Automobile: I'm too short to drive and I don't like riding in them.
About Me: I was born on June 16, 2007. I never knew my father. My mother took care of me and my siblings until we were adopted by various families. My new daddy is a nice guy. He even renamed his man cave to the "Cat Cave". Probably because that's the first place he looks when a package of New York Strip steaks or other foods are missing off the kitchen counter. I guess he knows my habit of scampering off to my lair with ill gotten booty. My dad yells at me a lot. He yells, "no". I don't understand this word "no". I only understand "chicken".
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Favorite Models: DelightfulRav KickazBday Gizzy
Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Eat, drink, play and sleep.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, and romaine lettuce. I really like chicken...a little raw around the bone.
Favorite Songs: Stray Cat Strut
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Can't tell you, PETA would be mad. Hey, wait, I love pissing off PETA.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: On a sunny window sill.
Hobbies: Looking out the window at birds, wabbits and squirrels.
Talents: Licking, scratching, kneading, head butting and jumping.
Perfect Date: Dining in the kennel on the back deck, then going inside to play on the Kitty Kondo.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I'm loyal, I have big teeth and 1/2" claws. I'm 16" at the shoulder and 18 lbs. Do you want to be on my good side or my bad side?
Message Wall
asshole, soon you'll be sucking Putin's dick
Whata card, filled with such primitive irony& humor. Or, in another sense, a self righteous man hiding behind a cat on a porn site. Have more respect motherfucker, 2yer cat I am a wolf in high heels. Roar.
The Return of Gizville's King.. :mschampion incestrut
The nicest pussy on MFC.

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