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About Me
Username: YennyBee
Gender: Female
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 inches
Age: 36
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Sexual Preference: Gay
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Involved
Pets: 2 dogs
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Message Wall
yenny 4 years photo yennyteardropocean_zpsafe16efc.jpg Yen, on 17 December will be the 4th anniversary on the day we met!... You took me out of my world of loneliness & unlocked my heart to a whole new world of love and understanding, I truly believe you are an angel who was walking this earth. Not a moment goes by without me thinking about you, and I know you will be waiting for me at the gate when I learn on my fate. Love you always and forever Richard
Soul-mates are locked at the heart, written in the heavens, and promised to find one another when the time is right. Love you always
photo missingyou_zpsd0e1da73.jpg
photo yennyanniversary_zps34c43896.jpg
says loving you was the second best thing that has happened to me .. the first was meeting you xxxxx
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Loving you fills my heart with happiness because no matter where I am or what my day brings, I know you are there for me
Yenny, you dont know me you have never spoken to me, but i speak to ilovesunshine and he speaks of how wonderful you are!! You touched his heart and the story he tells has touched mine. I just wanted to leave you this message. RIP xxx
...if you asked me how often you cross my mind, I'd have to be honest...just once. since then, you never left.
Valentine I miss you so much love you always your sunshine
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My Star +26 When all my dreams had faded away, when all my thoughts had gone astray you suddenly came to rescue me, and brought me back to where I should be you help me reach the unreachable star, and heal my heart from a previous scar you added and strengthened my confidence, you held me up to reach the heavens love you always Yen
Photobucket Love you, miss you, Your Little Ray of Sunshine

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I miss you so much, I Will always Love you forever in my heart <3
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