hey long time hunny are you still around
Bambi, very happy to have met you. A genuine good soul that just happens to terribly sexy.
cheers to you hun bun.
my Queen of hearts and a gr8 friend oxoxox
Hey guys i know you can read this Bambi is busy in School please Rate & Amire & oh yeah tip her
Haven't forgot about you sweetie get though school so we can play
Just diggin you.
Nice ~~ very real injoy her company ~~ The Skierxxx
Thank you again babe for tonight...it was worth every bit of the wait! Can't get you out of my head now

Can't wait for next time
in my 5 years here i cant think why i have not seen you on here ,, nice to meat you
Id draw a bubble bath for you any day.
I woke up this morning and got out of bed, the thoughts from last night are still in my head! Where do I go, What do I do? I can't seem to quit thinking of you!
Hey Sexy, How are you luvs from your Bouncer & your Friend. Kisses
what a women every mans dream ,smart,sweet sex cy and hottttt as hell its was my pleasure meeting u want to make ur room my home. u stay sweet cos bb love u got a lot of sugar good luck in all u do oh and let me barrow ur finger to stir my coffee cos im low in sugar thinking bout that first cup waking up if u know what i mean.
If dreams are a shadow
Of love, fame and fortune
That adorn the night
Some fade away quickly
And lose all their meaning
In the morning light
Yes some dreams are lifeless
They're light entertainment
Meaning nothing more
But there are dreams holding promise
And pure inspiration worth waiting for
Save me a dream
As perfect as the night is long
Save me a dream
As secure as your arms
A shelter where we both belong
And our love can bring the stars
Even closer than they seem
Save me a place in your heart
And save me a dream
helo fire horse hows the body healing now get well soon and bak on the old bikexx
Bambi reminds me of my favorite Franky Valley song: 'Can't take my eyes off of you' can't take my eyes off of Bambi!
I think its close to every man's dream to be with someone such as you You have so much to offer in ways that it makes you seem humble, honest, kind and very loving towards those who offer back to you the same. Aside from being absolutely perfect. Will be longing for a bubble bath with u. xoxoxo