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About Me
Username: cobra1961
Gender: Male
Age: 64
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Favorite Models: SyrenSynn LilithAries
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Thank you for visit hope to see you again
Miss u
Was thinking about you right now......Hope your day is going well hun
You are my favorite!!!! I get butterflies whenever we talk on here!!!!
thx for visit my room))) i will wait you) kissss
no not old I like on the turn
My comp is possessed!!! Did NOT mean to block you!! You know where to find me and my laugh. ;-)
kisss love
hi, nice to meet you cobra!
im sorry my computer started acting up. i finally got it to work. message me the name and number and we can get it done!
Thank you so much for always being so sweet to me.
I'm back - Kinda sorta. Been a long time. Lots of changes. I AM back in school though, and I thank you for all your encouragement and support above and beyond. Lets catch up soon - things are going in a good direction.
Rated 5 & admired, thank you for visiting my room
Miss your dry humor lately - hugs and kisses and possum toots, too
Hope you're feeling better - Just hopped on to leave you some critter kisses and hugs from me (critter kisses always make me feel a lil better Yall can rub whiskers!
Me thinks you need a pedicure. Just don't trim that lovely beard of yours
hot cold
You are such a sweetheart!! Glad to have met you!! <3
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