Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
to be happy and a positive energy on earth
What I Like To Do For Fun:
go to live music - taking my dog to a park & walks -spending time with my friends and family - rollerskating - being active - watch movies - binge watch the same shows a million times lol - clean and organize - crafts and projects - go shopping - go to parks - coffee shops - science and art museums
Favorite Songs:
indie -
rap/hiphop -
emo rap -
electronic -
funk -
classic rock -
some gospel - dreampop - alternative - R&B
Favorite Movies:
Quinten Tarantino films -
90s psychological thrillers -
gangster movies - true crime movies - horror films - arthouse - independent films
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Austria, Oregon, the ocean, Germany, Switzerland, Colorado in the mountains
my pet dog -
drawing & writing -
being in nature -
being active (going to the gym, hikes, walks) -
rollerskating - listening to podcasts and the news -
reading -
politics and history
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
ive lived a lot of life already and have developed a high level of emotional intelligence and empathy