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About Me
Username: dixie84
Gender: Male
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 72 inches
Age: 39
City: Liverpool
Country: United Kingdom
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Herb
Drink: Moderate
Drugs: Party
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Paralegal
Favorite Food: Anything unhealthy usually hits the spot.
Pets: None
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: As long as it doesn't hurt anyone do what the fuck you want. Fuck it, you only live once right?
Five Things I Can't Live Without: 1.That herb the good lord blessed us with ;) 2.Sex (fuck off i'm a man, it's not my fault :D ) 3.Going out with friends 4.Money 5.My laptop
What I Like To Do For Fun: see above
Favorite Songs: I'll listen to anything, mostly old school hip-hop at the minute - De La Soul, Gangstar, Big L, etc. Also The Beatles and the Stones never get old.
Favorite Movies: Anchorman, Weird science, This is England, Pulp fiction, Let the right one in, La Haine, Wayne's World, Training day, Taxi driver, King of comedy, Mean streets, Goodfellas.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Running my own business in a sunny climate.
Hobbies: Smoking that good stuff :D if i can be bothered after the smoking i enjoy most sports especially football and tennis. Is masturbation a hobby?
Talents: I can beat anyone at being a lazy motherfucker, seriously test me. Scratch that don't test me i can't be arsed.
Perfect Mate: Nice eyes, cute smile, hot body (it's not being shallow, just truthful ;) ) and most importantly an appetite for sex and basically just having a laugh.
Turn Ons/Offs: Turn Ons: Blue/green eyes, A nice smile, cheeky laugh, small women (Don't mean midgets obviously, although i'm not fussy :D ) Turn Offs: Constant naggging or Arrogance.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: You'll just have to find out for yourself :)
Message Wall
oi oi!!! im back!!!!xxx
Talk to you soon handsome for some more fun and interesting convos!!! xoxox
very sweet and cute to say the least!

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