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Profile Headline: So... This is where I put the headline, huh?
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About Me
Username: ima_mofo
Gender: Male
Weight: 3 pounds
City: If you want to know badly enough, you might consider asking me. And I might consider answering.
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Experimented
Occupation/Major: I am majorly occupied by many things.
School: I've attended some of each. I found them to be mostly monotonous. And so here I stand.
Favorite Food: I just like food that tastes good. You want me to have a favorite? I respectfully decline.
Pets: Ah. I would like to have many pets. I must settle for horses, though they are closer to friends.
Automobile: Useful tools, to be sure.
About Me: There is so much I haven't yet said. I'm not about to give more of me freely. If my above answer about getting to know me doesn't pertain to you, then feel free to ask. I am always willing to answer questions, even if they aren't the ones you've asked.
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: Monty Python. Good stuff. Are you actually still reading this? You ought to be proud of yourself. Maybe a little ashamed, too. You could have spent your time more wisely than this. I hope, at least, you were entertained by my ramblings. If not, I will graciously accept that you laughed inwardly once or twice.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Oxygen. Water. Food. Warmth. Humor. Pretty sure I nailed that one.
Favorite Books: Books. Few things can grasp my attention as books can. For most of my life I have been an avid reader. I've read many of the classics. I've read my share of trash, which may be another's treasure. I've read across many genres and multiple languages. Noticed I've not given names, haven't you? I won't be either. If you've got a suggestion (regarding books, as I am sure there are lots of others) about literature, feel free to share it. I am always looking for new material.
What I Like To Do For Fun: See Hobbies. I've no desire to repeat myself and you, if you're still reading, have no desire to reread what you've already read. Besides, WHO I like to do for fun is a much more entertaining question.
Favorite Songs: Here you'll find the same answer as you did in Favorite Food and Favorite Books. If I enjoy the taste of it, I will listen. And if I don't, then I won't. It's simple really. As am I. Do some songs evoke more of an emotional response in me than others do? Of course. Am I going to tell you which songs those are? No, I'm not. I prefer to answer questions rather than provide information about the inner workings of my inner workings freely.
Favorite Movies: Ah. Movies. I would like to say that I don't generally feel as good about movies borne of books as I do of the ones which do not. Consider it blasphemy if you must, but of all the movies that were once books, the Lord of the Rings is likely the ones I feel best about and would go so far as to say I prefer the movies. The Fellowship was boring in both mediums. The Two Towers was the best of either. Ah. Would you look at that? I've named more books in the Favorite Movies section than I have in the Favorite Books section.
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: If I did something crazy, I wouldn't know it. Isn't that the hallmark of craziness?
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: I would be in 2001.
Hobbies: I have some hobbies. I enjoy writing. I don't ever really have anything big or important to write about. But I enjoy ranting. I usually do so with no thought to either beginning or ending. I like to put pen to paper or finger to key and let my mind of its leash. It's the most honest I can be without too much thinking, and it's the best outlet I've got or will have.My work is a hobby as well. But as it is also work, it is not strictly a hobby.
Talents: Am I without talent? That isn't my judgment to make. There are few elements of my life that I am comfortable bragging about. And bragging is likely too strong a word. I spell rather well and have always done so. Is that a talent though? I am unsure.
Perfect Mate: This question. Why ask? You can list the qualities you find most desirable in a partner in every facet of their existence. That person might even exist. Maybe several of them exist. It doesn't mean they're perfect. It doesn't mean they'll reciprocate your feelings or even have feelings. They might be a psychopath, devoid of all emotion. It's unlikely but you never know. I suppose if I am to give a fair response to this question, then I am forced to provide a few qualities. Firstly, there has to be an ability to laugh and evoke laughter. Secondly, be a realist. This isn't Oz. We aren't in Kansas either, thank God. Lastly, I'm not religious so the last part of the previous sentence was in jest. Re: Firstly, you may laugh now.
Perfect Date: Late September or early October are nicest. I enjoy the Autumn weather. It's most pleasant for me.
Turn Ons/Offs: I enjoy a good laugh. I enjoy a snort of derision at times. I don't mind people who are assholes so long as they have a reason. Being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole is an unattractive thing. Be one of the attractive assholes. They're out there. If you have no personality, that's fine. I like mannequins just as much as the next guy. As an added bonus, you don't have to pay for their drinks and/or dinners. They don't eat. I won't be paying for yours either though, and along with that, you may find you have even more in common. Now leave me alone and go find out. Thanks. Unattractive assholes. I don't use the word bitches because of the negative connotation that easily offended people have attached to it. I don't understand the negativity either.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: If you have read this far and don't have an answer yet, then there is no reason. You may stop looking. Thank you for trying.
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