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Profile Headline: , I find beauty and friendship where I can, if you can find both in the same place all the better
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About Me
Username: jadedheartach
Gender: Male
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Other
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 195 pounds
Height: 76 inches
Age: 119
City: Vegas, It may not be hell but you can see it from here some-days...
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Moderate
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation/Major: Self Employed Artist, Writer, I take crap from no one now!
School: ASx2;CCSD Arcitectual Drafting, Cordon Blue Cullinary Arts BA; USD and UNLV Educational Developm
Favorite Food: Yea like I only have one u missed the chef part above didnt u.
Pets: A snake name Grace, Our dog Serenity (yes named in part after Firefly the tv show...
Automobile: Sentra and my moped the Intruder 1400
About Me: I am found in the dictionary of fools, half way between sinner and saint is where you can see my picture.
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: The meaning of life is in the philosophical and religious conceptions of existence, social ties, consciousness, and happiness, and borders on many other issues, such as symbolic meaning, ontology, value, purpose, ethics, good and evil, free will, the existence of one or multiple Gods, conceptions of God, the soul, and the afterlife. Scientific contributions focus primarily on describing related empirical facts about the universe, exploring the context and parameters concerning the 'how' of life. Science also studies and can provide recommendations for the pursuit of well-being and a related conception of morality. An alternative, humanistic approach poses the question 'What is the meaning of my life?' The value of the question pertaining to the purpose of life may coincide with the achievement of ultimate reality, or a feeling of oneness, or even a feeling of sacredness. That being said above, life is about perspective needs. Just as we self define personal value out of needed perspective sociological wants to ensure mating to survival, we define life's value as well in more a recreational way. In that wanted self value WE define our own meaning of life as we do it is linked to needs of personal value and in reality we use anything to substantiate that belief we need for self relation. We will warp personal perspective to conform reality to our wanted perspective of life and enable denial to avoid the harsh reality that devalues all in nature. Our wanted perspective to self justify devolves into self enabling realized any perspective is inherently self serving a wanted belief. In other words life is BS, but what it's all about is what you decided you want to be truth and not BS for you...... The short answers for me........yes I know too late I was a philosophy major for 2 years, trust me this is the short answer all of it. When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life. ; John Lennon............ Money is only a tool, not the meaning. At best it can make it easier to have more choices in life but by no means is it the key to happiness in its self. What I have learned so far is No truth is as simple as the question or answers asked/given, if we care to be understood for what it means to us or others it's layers.For me life is so much more than just living it as well or long as possible.! The best example I can think of is this.... On a Note abut men and women as George Carlin said, 'The primary Differences between Men and women are men are stupid and women are crazy. The main reason women are crazy is because men are stupid.'. That being said I don't believe in absolutes but some stereotypes are more truth than exceptions. Each gender has members that switch sides from time to time there in lies the rub of life, there is no simple absolute truth to life I have found other than it is not about constants for everyone. Just times it's more true than others. If you want a absolute you want paradise on earth and the only thing all religions agree on is this plain of existence is not meant to be a paradise now, absolutes are unchanging by default we define it as stagnation too often not happiness! Maybe were just some sentimental plot device for some Creators amusement, some bubble gum for a minds distraction like MFC to get lost in a moments illusion of desires needs, find a hook up to keep on going one more day that does seem to be what most think life is now, to be happy in the moment and make the next equal or greater than the last. I do wish I had an answer for all of us but frankly I don't fucking know and I am afraid if I did it wouldn't help anyone even me. The really fucked up thing is I still want too know though when most around me want to just keep the blinders on, head buried in some porn sand and enjoy the ride, get enabled, feel entitled, and hey if it doesn't get me what I want to go to the next model who I can play it safe, because reality just asks too dam much doesn't it, it seems now more than ever before that's becoming the rule not the exception. But then I am jaded a little.
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Things like life it's self are transitory, so the reality is u will live with out them eventual those parts of my life I would give all to avoid losing are my family, health my sight/mind,our home we share, and used to be my ex-wife But now someone to love who loves me, because everyone needs someone to love ahead of themselves. Most say love your self first or your kids but if you raised them to be interdependent, that's kind of a bad plan to poor all your love into ahead of the person you made them with. Loving ones self is vanity and you can never serve two masters so in the end all you truly will ever love is your self and that's a lonely hurtful life if you ask me. Not entirely in that order above, and lastly I think hope, with out hope you have nothing to get you out of bed in the morning.
Favorite Books: “This idea of equality in men and women, as inspired in intent as it would seem Madam on the surface is a path of ruin in my modest account. There has been no small shame of each genders weaknesses, in essence this equality to cast off expectations denies the balance that we long struggled to find in one another‘s genders. Now with those absent what balance is there but the anarchy of identity, thus we would be as insolent to think our self as Men, and the only golden rule is indulgences. Would you have me dress my daughters in short paints until their coming of age for trousers, to become money lenders or Captain’s of industry? Self want at last supplants imperative, leads us not into grace but from it. This equity you seek destroys the noble work of home and family, we women and our children lose far more than we gain in an empty crown we label equality. A despicable tool this word is in use for pity sake or sympathy to emancipate us! It is in truth selfishness, to have all with out the costs we have paid to earn the choice to begin with, a inheritance will not be in the benefit of our character but only a spoiled luxury undeserved or tempered by the wisdom of suffrage in our children’s ignorance will breed discontent. You would have me chose that ruse of freedom to abandon all that was our credit to begin with and hold me in contempt of my gender if I do not? You do not ask me if I think women should be equal to men, you ask me if I think men should become as a women. A bitter fruit indeed and women barren and consumed with vanity and self need for success. If power consumes all, it’s coin is a sweet temptation and lie called equality, who’s fruit will bear to women only a stillbirth our daughters shall endure. Our sins of pride and my daughter’s dowery will be to lose sight of all we treasured and a frail offering it will be to any to have and hold. I fight for rights for women but not a trap of vanity we are already far more than equal to men in too many kinder ways for we inspire them to greatness or weakness, this is our privilege and burden and to deny it is to deny us our greatest virtue for what we endure for others defines us as the women we are. not the school girls we once were who dreamed of self indulgences alone.”,. Sara Jane Lippincott (1896) About 1500 give or take mostly Sci-Fi, but love classical lit(was major for a few years) Philo, Psy trade, Texts . If I had to limit it to the top 5 Authors; Pierce Anthony; Incarnations of Immortality, Hindlin; Stranger in a strange land, the cat who walks though walls, D. Adams ;Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series, Shakespeares Plays; Hamlet, much to do about nothing and Hawkings ;Universe- a brief history of time.
What I Like To Do For Fun: Play with my kids #1 when they aren't too busy to entertain the old man,bah teenagers, good Sci-fi movie, computer games FPS, strategy ((NO MMORPG(Don't ask U don't want to know)) motorcycle riding better than a cold shower and the closest to real freedom as I think we can ever get and as much as we should have. Paint miniatures, Gee look at porn sometimes U think? Reading when I find a book that grabs my attention. Sometimes reclining in my office and just listening to music to remember and feel like a leaf on the wind.
Favorite Songs: Not a fan of rap or hip hop but can listen to some, 'some of the time'. I try to play Drums, Bass and yes I played the fute in High School so blow me with the Band Camp and bone fute joke.

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Favorite Movies: ROFL I don't have the time to write them all down... Each is special in it's own way. From Pulp Fiction to Fight Club, Star Wars, Ink to Black Snake Moan, This Is not a Movie, The man from Earth and Jaws the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on,........
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: Yea I got a list, that seems to happen the older u get; attempted suicide, sex on my cycle at 60 mph on pch at 2 am. Trying out for the Seals. Standing between a man with a gun and an idiot with a knife. Racing spot bikes at 160 at nights on roads so bad I know there is a god because it was a miracle I didn't die with 40 other fools. Yea I have a list each is special in it's own right, being an adrainine junkie I have taken risks I really shouldnt have.
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Alaskan Cruse first class cabin balcony under a blanked with a woman who is nuts about me in my arms, watching the ice shelf as we pass it after a wild night of sex. We all need a little first class once in a while!
Hobbies: Martial Arts, Cooking, learning as much as I can while I can, the Bass guitar.I love Mountain Biking and my Motorcycle. Hate Gyms and the Workout heath crap of machines its a BS poser convention, a work out should be fun and a accomplishment not lifting wights to impress your self or others. But I am luck with a high matablism. Did scuba and rock climbing but getting older and it takes a toll now. Just about anything creative from cooking to painting miniatures and interior design.
Talents: Seems we have the most Talent for what we don't or cant do. Life loves irony. Had some but out of practice (if your talking sex working on 2nd year without and yes it fucking sucks in a bad way I know Cons in jail who get laid more than me WTF, yes good guys do finish last) Gave 2 different frigged women their first O so I did something right, art, cooking, music, thinking, seeing other's perceptive and any who don't think it's a talent think again.
Perfect Mate: Devoted, OPEN, honest and affectionate...I haven't fount too many that can say that is who they are at heart past as long as they get what they want first or last. I don't believe in the 'perfect' match but I do believe some people fit better than others. Someone who can still trust and have hope and faith in more than what will get them what they want. Most of all a partner equal who will let me save them and will save me as well. Who doesn't want to lead to get the first picks or follow to let another take the brunt alone but walk along side and keep pace come what may. Hey is says perfect right? Good enough is a different question!!
Perfect Date: Perfect, ROFL not a word I like again but a good/best date are the kinds no one wants to end, that never felt like a date at all.
Turn Ons/Offs: Devoted, honest and affectionate yes I was serious above, reasoning and a thinker. Turn off's; FLAKES, cowards(being brave isn't not being afraid but not letting the fear control our choices), cheats, the usual shallowest parts of people that try to justify being selfish and hurt others. But I really hate people afraid of commitment but whine about how they have been abused by trusting others! That's a crock of BS, trust is never about past tense, no one can earn trust, you can do everything right and fail to be trustworthy if someone else Decided not to trust you! trust is a gift every-time never earned or proven in advance. If someone else decided not to trust you it's their choice just as it's ours each time to give anyone the chance to be what we hope they can be. Trust will always be up to us to risk being vulnerable and that is never weakness but truly the bravest choice and takes the most strong people to risk day after day. People will never disappoint you if you never give them the chance to fail but they will never surprise you in all the good ways either. What is the greater crime a person who abused the trust they were given or the one too afraid to give someone a chance because they are too afraid to be hurt? Only a coward takes the safe route all the time.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: New people test who we have been and can yet be, good or bad is how we want to see them and us in relation to our interests. I don't judge a book by it's cover or guess what someday some one will do that to you and they wont even care what they get wrong about you. I know this in my heart, your too old or too young, too dumb or smart is all perspective tastes and not truth. Its assumptions that limit us and how we limit one another. How many will give you the chance to be more than the safe limits of their idea of you and you enabling them in return? How valuable is that in a person you can meet? Be honest, all you have to do is ask and as long as me and my family aren't at risk ill answer just about anything. One part of me and I am not the sum of any parts but greater than the whole, is this I don't use people, I haven't been a 'Success' in many ways because that is how some judge success. Money, greed and seeing people as an ends to a means is never good no matter how bad the person is. You want to know something about me then know this, I'm not a user nor will I allow others to be used if I can do anything about it. FYI a User as I define it is someone that wants all for as little as they can get away with most or all the time that's not who I am, yes I am writing this here in the land of the shallow where people care only what they can get from one another either as much for as little or vice verse, I do see the credibility issue and irony very well. You want a reason, prove me wrong if you can I dare you!. Yes I am a basic and I will stay that way not because I want something for nothing but because anything else would be hypocritical and I would be valued only for one reason what I can give some one they want foremost that is the worst reason and the easiest trap to getting the most for the least. After all if you have to buy affection or interest then it's never you anyone will be interested to know at all but how to get more from you. You asked the best reason to know me, how many will you want to know who only offer to pay you foremost for your attention? That's a trap only a fool walks into, Yes girls are here to make money but how often have you put a dollar value on a true friend or person you respected? If you are only seen as a means to an ends then who is truly using who, and if you do the same to them can you calm any moral ground for yourself in the end and wonder why you aren't seen as a whole person or only as something someone wants to use as they see fit? The Best reason to get to know me is this what do you want to find out about yourself and the kind of person you are and value to spend your time with.
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