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Interests & Hobbies
Favorite Books: I love murder mysteries and fantasy novels. Some of my favorites are Looking For Alaska, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Anne Rice novels, Bram Stoker, The Great Gatsby, White Fang, LOTS of vampire books.
Favorite Songs: I enjoy lo-fi, hip-hop, metal, rap, electric swing, chillscape, indie, 80's, classical, old country, jazz
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: If I could be anywhere right now I'd be in the mountains in a cabin by a lake. Sitting by a warm fire with my cats, a book, a cup of tea and a fluffy blanket. It would be raining or snowing outside and I can hear it hit the window.
Hobbies: I paint on canvas and doodle a lot, I take care of animals, watch LOTS of anime, I make delicious food, adventuring

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