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Profile Headline: Pardonne mes levres, elles trouvent du plaisir dans les endroits les plus inattendus.
Last Login: 9 years ago
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About Me
Username: peterowl
Gender: Male
Body Type: Ample
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 170 centimeters
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Occasionally
Occupation/Major: changing
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Interests & Hobbies
Five Things I Can't Live Without: two main principles for now. the inner work - (the greatest relationship we may have is the one with ourselves); and then, all you have to do is let go.
Favorite Books: J'ai eu longtemps un visage inutile, Mais maintenant J'ai un visage pour etre aime' J'ai un visage pour etre heureux. (Paul Eluard)
Perfect Mate: My favorite Witch.
Message Wall
omg are u fucking kiddin' me? :O he died? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
i miss you so much my angel
my heart love u and missed u
R.I.P The kindest and most spiritual found out so very late..I will always keep you in my heart my dear dear friend..Love love love..............................................
my heart is broken sweet Peter. God take you to early at HIM. so many people wass love you,you have been kind with all. God forgive you my sweet.........
love you my cute friend ! I love spending time with you,! I want to talk more with you about the exciting things informative
Love you my best guy
wtf ya PIMP
Thank you Dear for your big Heart!!! Kisss
Happy Valentine's Day !! big love! greater happiness !! kiss my dear friend for you !!!! waiting for you today in my room! for the party! drink wine with me! eat chocolate! and change valentines and surprises)
Mabon Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~
I know you love me!!!
Te ador !!! Thx for all
kiss you my sweetyman
they r amazing,looks cosy and make you feel warm inside
New Year Comments Pictures
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Blessed Winter Solstice my dear and lovely friend 10
Christmas Comments Pictures
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Indeed I am happy that I managed to help you get to a conclusion my dear,kisses
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