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Profile Headline: What a Guy!
Last Login: within 7 days
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Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: 'He who dies with most toys wins'
Hobbies: If by hobby you means something you really enjoy, and spend a lot of time and money on, I guess my answer would have to be PORN
Perfect Mate: Skinny with perfect NATURAL boobs (don't need to be big, but the nipples need to be in the correct place, and natural, I just do not understand the attraction of those 'stick on' ones!... I'm sure you understand)
Turn Ons/Offs: Turn ON: Panty Stuffing, Turn Off: Anal
About Me
Username: speclover
Gender: Male
Body Type: Large
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Weight: 88 kilos
Height: 68 inches
Age: 61
City: Sevenoaks
Country: United Kingdom
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Heavy
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Married
Occupation/Major: Travel the world painting the 'H' on helicopter landing pads - Very few of us qualified to do this
About Me:

I've been on mfc for years now, and have spent a LOT of money, both using tokens, and also WU, Monygram, Paypal etc, and thought I'd clarify some of MY 'thoughts' for once (I'm sick of reading the same rules on girls profiles, so here are mine) :-

I rarely tip until I have got to know a woman a little, I prefer to make 'friends' with a woman here before I try and get her naked, seeing a friend naked is sooooo much more sexy than just seeing some random woman naked!

I NEVER go private, it is far too expensive on mfc, apart from groups now and then, I ONLY use SKYPE - 'speclover'... add me, send me a photo and try and tempt me! (and no skypes to studios... money starts to get a bit thin when studios get involved, to say nothing of restrictive studio rules often in place!)

SKYPES will usually be of NO LESS than an hour long, I am NOT into rushing things, I want both of us to have time to relax, and get to know each other a little - rather than just 'DO THIS.. DO THAT.. NO DO THIS AGAIN'... - what's the point... there is an internet full of anonymous porn for that sort of thing! (and only at 'group rates' (works out about $50/hour if paid 'direct')... how much do you realistically think you will make in the next hour?)

My matra is 'the wider the better'... I love to see cervix, that is always the 'goal' and a collins speculum is the perfect tool for the job!

I suppose some of these rules will put off most women, but after years here, I think it is just easier to be 'up front' about everything.. I'm not going to tip just to see a girl act out an orgasm... or even worse pee a little bit, and then ask for everyone to cheer how she squirts!!! If I'm paying, I prefer to make myself happy, as well as the woman (don't get me wrong.. I am NOT demanding.. I will NEVER ask a woman to do ANYTHING she is not 100% happy with... and I will not rush things, I LOVE to explore a woman's body, her shapes, her curves, and to push her limits a little)!

If any of the above does not fit with your understanding of MFC, or why were are both here.. feel free to let me know... no point wasting both of our time!

OH.. I NEARLY FORGOT... NO ANAL... NEVER ANY ANAL.... (I just do not 'get' it... WTF)

For more inspiration, take a look at the only sites I've ever subscribed too------------ ----or--- <

Why not CLICK HERE to see some PICTURE LINKS of my favorite all time kinks (do NOT click if easily offended)

and if you would like more - and if you've read this far, and are not offended.. why not skype me... 'speclover' around most days!!

Message Wall
ty dear )))
Hey, I like what you've wrote on your profile.
funny guy) I love it )
Heeeey )))
u hotttt!!!!
kiss u
What fun you will have with Mistress in the Rubber Room
spec lover greatest username ever hehehehe
hello Speclover, I'm back here again for you. I want to explore your erotic fantasy. More kisses love

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