Ok, few words about myself here: My name is Sunn and as you can see I am 28 years old.
I won't be specific with my location because I wanna avoid some stereotypes here. I have been a model for 4 years and this is my second year on MFC. So far it has been a convenient and constructive experience and I hope I will keep it this way in the future.
Many of you guys ask me if i still study, I recently defended my PhD thesis I studied history and to be even more precise I study history of religions (cultural anthropology) and philosophy (no i dont study dogma or theology, its an objective point of view).
I won't be specific with my location because I wanna avoid some stereotypes here. I have been a model for 4 years and this is my second year on MFC. So far it has been a convenient and constructive experience and I hope I will keep it this way in the future.
Many of you guys ask me if i still study, I recently defended my PhD thesis I studied history and to be even more precise I study history of religions (cultural anthropology) and philosophy (no i dont study dogma or theology, its an objective point of view).
In case you guys didn't know, I am passionate about music, literature and art and I also play 3 instruments (piano, electric guitar and bass). I am also learning drums this year. Speaking of music, I am into extreme music genres and subgenres like from drone metal to grind, hardcore, death core and many others. I mentioned that because I don't wanna explain myself all the time why the music in my room is so violent and aggresive. It has cathartic effect on me and so does on others.
Dont you worry, unlike many of you I don't lack musical knowledge (I have been playing piano since I was 5 so if you're gonna bring up the classics I am just gonna advise you to mind your business because I am familiar with them already and it doesn't mean you have better taste than I have). Please, don't request songs and stuff just to annoy me because if they don't fit my type I won't play them, end of story.
Dont you worry, unlike many of you I don't lack musical knowledge (I have been playing piano since I was 5 so if you're gonna bring up the classics I am just gonna advise you to mind your business because I am familiar with them already and it doesn't mean you have better taste than I have). Please, don't request songs and stuff just to annoy me because if they don't fit my type I won't play them, end of story.
I don't promise to be the most eager to please you model and for sure I am not bb friendly at all, so please, just call me Alma (endearment titles annoy the hell out of me). My attitude will always be a reflection of your attitude, if you're cool, I am cool, if you are disrespectful I will be disrespectful as well. I just find it fair, just because I am here doesn't entitle you to treat me like I am less valuable as a person.My room offers various sort of experiences, from chilling ones to hot naughty ones...Depends on you as it depends on me ,hope you will find it pleasant and you will enjoy it. I try to make this as enjoyable for me as possible. My schedule is very hectic because I am involved in many activities and I just don't feel like I have time and space for someone else (or at least for the moment).I suppose this is already too much, have fun in my room....Dude or dudette whatever you are XoXo
Say ''hello'' when you walk in this room and say a ''goodbye'' when you leave.
Please be respectful to me and the others.
Have the decency to support your reguests with tips or do not demand at all.
Just treat me how you'd like to be treated yourself and everything should be alright.
Please be respectful to me and the others.
Have the decency to support your reguests with tips or do not demand at all.
Just treat me how you'd like to be treated yourself and everything should be alright.