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About Me
Username: tarotpoet
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Age: 50
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Herb
Drink: Moderate
Drugs: Occasionally
Marital Status: Married
Occupation/Major: writer / IT
Favorite Food: all kinds - sushi and steak
Pets: two dogs, cat
Automobile: VW
About Me: My pledge to MFC Models
1. I will treat you with dignity and respect. We are on MFC for our mutual benefit and enjoyment.
2. You are a real person with real feelings. You are not an object without feelings or a slave to be ordered around.
3. I will respect the rules of your room.
4. I will tip you and talk to you to show appreciation. My tips and attention do not obligate me to any aspect of your life. I give freely, without strings, for the joy of being in your room.
5. I will never try and intrude upon your life outside of MFC. Nothing that happens on MFC creates an obligation outside of MFC.
6. Anything that you chose to share with me in a private will remain in private. I will never share that information with other people.
7. You are free to kick me at anytime.
8. I hope you don't kick me without at least telling me why. If it's because of lurking, sometimes I do not feel like talking. But if that makes you uncomfortable, kick away :-)
9. I know this is a job, and just like I want a safe and fun workplace I will try and contribute to a safe and fun workplace for you.
10. Lists with only 9 entries feel funny so I'll pledge to try and make you laugh and smile as much as a I can.
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Favorite Models: Ashlynn29 CrazzzyTeen Candy_Zlata
Interests & Hobbies
Favorite Books: shogun stranger in a strange land fool different seasons
Favorite Songs: pleasure on credit i know you rider turn on your lovelight
Favorite Movies: raiders of the lost ark tombstone blazing saddles white lord of the rings ghostbusters
Hobbies: guitar writing camping gaming - dota2 sc2
Talents: literature stortytelling juggling martial arts dancing
Perfect Mate: teasing and independant engaging and enticing full of her own ideas shy at times - not shy at times focused and locked on, ready with me ready on the way to go
Message Wall
greatest guitar player
Greatest dancer of MFC
How have I never noticed your Luck Dragon avatar before?!?

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