Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
never do to a person what you want to yourself. always bring into the world what you wish for yourself!
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
1. Music
2. Food
3. Dance
4. Masturbate
5. non alkogol beer
Favorite Books:
Remacre - life on loan
What I Like To Do For Fun:
1. Reading poems
2. Oil massage
3. Cooking
4. Travel
5. Drive
Favorite Movies:
honey, The Great Gatsby, The Notebook of memory, green Mile
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
- Sky diving
- Sex on motorcycle
- Dance 12 hours non stop on festival
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
in Ukraine at home
Reading poem, driving, swimming, music, sport, cooking
Perfect Date:
wake up from the kisses of a loved one and see the calm ocean and the gentle sun in the window. Meditate and drink cool water, go in for sports. To the sounds of morning music to meet a new day. Go to the market and buy fresh fruit and snacks. Work 3 hours. and start cooking lunch. Talk to relatives. Drink a glass of wine in the evening. And after awesome sex with your loved one, fall asleep.