Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger.
Favorite Books:
Not much of a reader....
What I Like To Do For Fun:
make millions of tokens on MFC LOL ... hmmmm life has changed a lot and everything i once did for fun like hangout with my dogs, go shopping, go ride my motorcycle, workout, ect have all changed due to my cervical spine injury, multiple surgeries, and my dogs dying after 12 long yrs with them.
Favorite Songs:
metalcore, hiphop, pop whatever...
Favorite Movies:
funny and horror ... I also watch spongebob daily =)
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
I don't really do crazy things lol I'm pretty responsible and mellow lmao.... maybe being honest all the time is the craziest thing
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
Be on the beach! Forever, I need to be a mermaid.
Come Visit me on
crocheting, used to be great a pole dancing, and motorcycle riding on back roads, but I've had 3 cervical spine surgeries that have changed my life forever and I'm in constant chronic pain so no more dancing or crotch rocket riding for me.... Run an Etsy shop, I am a nurse that's a talent right, highly educated.
Was an Oncology inpatient nurse for years in the hospital, also have been an inpatient psychiatry nurse and on my way threw PMHNP school. Trying to heal from 3 c5c6 surgeries that were done all within 11 months in 2024... it's been a very rough recovery journey and in constant pain.
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
You be the judge
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