Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life:
Despite the fact that we come from one country or another, that we have a lower or higher intelligence, that we are short, tall, blonde or brunette, and have different aspirations, the meaning of life unites us through the compassion we show in the face of suffering. Love makes us leave our personal agenda. Without it, we would truly kill each other.We find amazing beauty in diversity. And when I say this, I mean that diversity completes what we lack; others complete us. The entire environment is made to function based on interdependent relationships, which leads to coexistence. From this point of view, as stated above, love is the meaning of life for life itself to exist - it is the common point in the interest of existence. This is equally amazing considering how such a rich variety can have the same profound meaning in all its subjects. We are basically different on the outside and similar on the inside.
Five Things I Can't Live Without:
Favorite Books:
1.The Secrets of Success
Author:Dale Carnegie
2.Above Him
Author:Dama de Trefla
What I Like To Do For Fun:
Things that I have not done before, and which they give me vibes pleasant
Favorite Songs:
All types the muzic
favorite song:
Ed. Sheeran-Perfect
Favorite Movies:
drama, thriller and police
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done:
To make love in the rain
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:
I would go to the whole galaxy and there a little higher than Earthbig Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune... wow. I have always been fascinated by astrology and I have always wondered how the earth looks from up there. I would especially like to go to Pluto because it is the farthest planet from terra and it would be great to see the "landscape" there. I would also like to walk through the galaxy.
I have more hobbies, I like to read, travel to new places, cook, dance, hiking ... I like the most to enjoy the small pleasures of life and they just color my life!
My profession!!! It's not art that creates talent, but talent that creates art!!!
Perfect Mate:
You tell him things you wouldn't tell anyone else.
Perfect Date:
If after the first date you feel like you want a date and the feeling is mutual = perfect date!
Turn Ons/Offs:
The mystery activates me
Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
to discover me without even looking for me