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Profile Headline: Alien/ got you to look. correct
Last Login: 2 months ago
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About Me
Username: EENAY
Gender: Male
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 180 pounds
Height: 185 centimeters
Age: 54
City: / VA
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Straight
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Light
Drugs: Experimented
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Instructor// / combat / stuff/
School: / medical/ C /of .Va.
Favorite Food: All foods if prepraired with flavors ,and love of the area
Pets: Plastic Fish in a 50gal . tank , long story// do not have too keep a LIVE
Automobile: all cars are red///2016 corvette , Customized Chevy HHR S/S <>, Oldsmobile Cutlass S/S
About Me: Why should I write it down , find out for yourself
Tags: big head, big eyes, big brain, small mouth, can breath thrugh ears, BIG SHIP
Interests & Hobbies
Meaning of Life: I am not God so I Do not the answer, But to treat all things living with respect !! And in return you,, may get just a little bit of respect throught out your life .
Five Things I Can't Live Without: Air Water Fire Good Foods of all countries Family and close friends
Favorite Books: Oracle bones ,// To the gates of Richmond,. ,///, Vurt..///.CHINA/// Zen and Japanese culture,// The Fatal Shore//
What I Like To Do For Fun: listed with hobbies" seems lately "being lonely" and WORK.////////// HAS BEEN MY LIFE. BUT I FIND THINGS TO BRING ME CLOSE TO MY MAKER!! BUT STILL BE SMART . FIGHTING MY LONELYNESS.
Favorite Songs: Most all Music is enjoyable ,.At given times/ always better with someone that shares there music and or customs of music.. as I also would with some one not up on what my interest or area customs are.. and change in music for ones self can be life changing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Movies: Zatoichi, the blindswordsman , Avitar, Riding Alone for thousands of miles, [The african Queen ,old but good]
Craziest Thing I've Ever Done: I Try not to be crazy, I enjoy life too much. Always try and think out the crazy parts . Than it becomes an adventure!!
If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now: Were , " I am " A welcomed ! Guest !! What ever family has welcomed me in to there " Home " let us talk / drink a native wine or other // enjoy foods and fine a link of friendship..
Hobbies: Cycling long distance,>< Kayaking Ocean or Rivers, <>Hiking<> ,Camping,>< Aikido,: KAHO Which is Educational Method in Kata Training,/ Long bow archery High Altitude sky diving anything above 2,000 meters or 7,000 feet ,Every time given the chance.. to jump is heaven, to be alive . and to know there some people you have met in your life that" :Wayne" has done good for , And they know your words are true as you can possibly be true to who you are as a Person
Talents: Being a GOOD HUMAN !!! // Unless you think I am an ASS HOLE ! " Than this is an opinion" " And will be respected " Of course it is an OPINION correct !!
Perfect Mate: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? can we ever find such . it really takes 2 in any relationship I GUESS IS WORK But if care for some one ! Is it really work ? or a life time with someone you LOVE
Perfect Date: But of course it takes two to make a perfict date!! Some times the simplest and most spontaneous of plans made , Make for a more Fun Time.
Turn Ons/Offs: A woman that can be a Lady in public , and show Passion in the bedroom .. > Turn offs - :Arguing Over things that should be talked out calmly..
Best Reason to Get to Know Me: spend time with me / find the good or bad.. BUT I AM HUMAN,,WITH A GIFT OF CARING FOR OTHERS
Message Wall
hey hey!
nice guy
nice and cute
always a pleasure to chat to you my friend
always a pleasure to chat with you my friend
hello hope to see you soon! thank you for being my friend
thank you for let me being one of your favorite models!!i know many girls disappointed you....keep in touch!!mwahh
)))) oh yes
Man I look good
love you dear Santa

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